
60% of the people hospitalized in my area are fully vaccinated,

We became “not so nice” after your last POTUS kept shitting on us.

This is all due to poor supply chain planning and a religious devotion to just in time manufacturing to appease Wall Street because excess inventory looks bad on a balance sheet.  So many industries are suffering because everyone thought it was 2008 again and it isn’t.  The bonkers thing is that older IC’s aren’t that

Parts’ cost will have you begging for mercy. It’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner with the Bentley as your dead albatross. Nope. Nope, nope, nope.

Did a dinosaur shit on your hood?

...the locomotive first served on the Reading Railroad out of Pennsylvania before getting shipped off to Arizona.

Why does Jalopnik always ignore that widening highways allows more cars to move on the highway? We could eliminate traffic by eliminating all transportation, but that’s just as dumb as saying widening roads doesn’t eliminate traffic. Roads are a necessity. Public transportation should be improved. America is sprawling

So, supposedly “$2000" to build for the Challenge, and an $18,000 post-event surcharge.

Where are the people tweeting out how low their score can get? That would be my group.

Ford Mach-E Comes With Free Speedster Upgrade”

Some see an anchorage full of container ships. I see a slalom course for a go-fast boat racing series.

A 16 year old driving a modified 5 year old super duty. My guess is mommy and daddy will “take care” of it from the legal side with a few phone calls. Poor kid just sneezed with affluenza is all.

They’ll still find a way to make it leak carbon monoxide into the cabin

Whoa! Invoking Hulk Hogan? That’s pretty ballsy for a website that used to be associated with Gawker.

People who think that it’s a competition. My family takes a lot of road trips in the summer. During these road trips, I almost always set my cruise control. I often come across people who for whatever reason don’t like to be passed. Many times during a drive I will begin closing in on someone who is going slower than

Other drivers. Why can’t everyone just stay home so I can have the road to myself? 

It’s Shilling, unjustified angst is his schtick.

do we HAVE to dig into this guy who on the surface seems genuinely willing to help people (and/or not hurt or persecute vulnerable minorities) AND will put his money where his mouth is in that regard? I don’t get the desire to dig up controversy with someone who aggressively avoids it in the name of protecting his

Even the stranger danger vans are scaled down in Europe.