
If you want a good Clarkson fix right now, I highly recommend Clarkson’s Farm on Amazon. The premise is him trying to farm the 1,000 acres he bought in the mid 2000s, and which until 2019 a real farmer farmed for him. It’s Clarkson at his self-deprecating best, with much of the obnoxiousness that came through in later

Jalopnik can spend its money however it wants, so keep throwing it at Shilling, Orelove, and Hodge for all I care, though it would be nice if Jalopnik also threw it at people with fresher ideas on how to make an interesting car blog. I don’t begrudge Shilling, Orelove, and Hodge for taking the money, as they are paid

Why is this article so bitter?

Why is this article so bitter?

It’s a car show and it’s generally entertaining.  I’ll take it.

This is common throughout AZ and other desert states. When it gets hot and dry like it is now, the ground basically turns to cement, and when there is a sudden heavy rain, the ground cannot soak up the moisture, so it has to go somewhere. It’s not uncommon this time of year to see roadways and small overpasses washed

And people say my FRS is underpowered!

Drift machine with 31 HP

Wow! As much power and less torque than a 25 year old Honda! For only the price of a five sportbikes that will be faster, handle better, be more comfortable to ride, and be more reliable, but not leak oil even though they’re brand new!

Question: what kind of leasing company allows you to not put comprehensive insurance on a car?

Seriously - I think it is his articles that have kept me hear!

David, your passion and enthusiasm is easy to see in your writing and keeps me coming back to jalopnik.

That they even have a “tier” that is paid is just bullshit. Verizon, Comcast, AT+T should be doing everything in their technical capabilities to stop the damn calls, not piggybacking on it to generate income. Sleazy bullshit.

*insert Stormy Daniels joke here*

There are many publicized things wrong with food delivery apps/services but one of the few that is rarely mentioned is that you are entrusting your food with a random person who has no ties to the restaurant or to you.  No thanks.  

And he isn’t good at either.

the Jimny LCV only comes in one trim, with one engine, with one color. (Two other colors are available for a little more money.)

Step 1: Sue guy that has the emotional maturity of a toddler and history of stock/currency manipulation.

No offense to these history scholars, the most damaging conspiracy theory in history is religion. Full stop. The perpetuation that some omniscient and omnipresent invisible being/s setting up arbitrary rules and guidelines we must follow and have faith in have sparked more wars, murder spree’s, genocides, prejudices,