
Advertising in millennial-occupied spaces influences millennials. Just wait until you hear the shocking figures regarding Boomers and their spending on things advertised to them in magazines!

As a Gen X-er, you’re wrong. We got fucked by the boomers in every way imaginable. We’re tired. Our parents still won’t fucking retire and are still telling us how to vote. We get told we’re stupid for wasting our money on shit that they would never buy or don’t understand. They told us that “you can never lose on

I only buy things I see on Jalopnik. I’m in so much debt. 

Meanwhile, in other Takes:

The engines cylinders don't sit in tubes, the cylinders ARE the tubes. The PISTONS sit in tubes...

Its like a Gizmodo writer wrote that line or something.

the tubes the engine’s cylinders sit in are rounded at the top

Hi Patrick

The more astute will notice that will the elongated cargo section, and only two front doors, it’s also a mid-engine, shooting brake.

Mid Engine with a long driveshaft?

I want to see million mile oil.

I’m definitely not still me. Thank god, that guy was an asshole.

I want to see million-mile tires.

You know what’s tough?  A car that actually got to 1mill miles on original components...

Yeah, it’s the “Ship of Theseus” argument.

So by that logic there’s no such thing as an RX-7 with over 50,000 miles

lol wow

But Hummer brought us a reason to have FUH2.com (site now dead), the great compendium of thousands of people flipping off the H2.

I’m betting the people who flipped to 9 did it for the same reason that there’s no point arguing with flat earthers.

“I know that I’m wrong but I can’t get over it