I just want a mail client that can connect to my office's Exchange server without crashing.
I just want a mail client that can connect to my office's Exchange server without crashing.
I agree that this is a horrific incident and that the driver was unjustified in his actions and should be punished to the full extent of the law (and then some)
Next month Mercedes debuts WetCATS, the Wet Cargo Avoidance Thwarting System
SOLD! Wrap it up and have it delivered to Mississippi!
I hear it'll be based on the Ford Fusion platform!
I'd support a bumper pull, but the Ferrari would probably catch fire and burn them both into the ground. How would we know who won then?
I was hoping Ford would introduce the F-150 Superleggera the next year.
"by appealing to the downtrodden, to the unpopular, to the spat-upon, whose glorious appeal was based on his sly ability to say "Fuck the man" in oh so many new and different ways."
Its optional, right? Surely I can still have a clutch if I want one?
I am 27, and my mom disapproves
Except that Rollbar is clearly a TJ (97-06) Wrangler. The parking lights give it away.
Hope its as good as the Jerrari
F you Batlimore
You CAN do anything, if you just put your whole heart into it.
@icntdrv: sometimes retro works the best
I actually did this one.
It would fit New-Stig's flamboyant driving style.