I'll give it to them, the Elantra has a nice skin to it, but its still boring underneath. Sheep in Wolf's clothing could be the term.
I'll give it to them, the Elantra has a nice skin to it, but its still boring underneath. Sheep in Wolf's clothing could be the term.
If shes a car-girl... that's so hot.
even after installing Cyanogen Mod on my HTC Desire, and moving all of the apps to SD I could I was still running out of memory. Problem is you cant move the Google apps to SD. I mounted my /system folder as RW and deleted the Facebook, Maps, Voice, Twitter and Rom Manager apps. After I re-downloaded them from the…
@87CE 95PV Type Я: Nah, That one was the red-headed stepchild. the 200 convertible I kind of like, however
@Jackie: Only the best cars go down in a flaming inferno. Just ask Ferrari.
@WJHMH: But the 0% APR. 0%!!!
I like most of the cars suggested so far.
@Scorpio GTX1: Wrong Sebring. That one was just boring, the new one is the ugly one.
Because of their names? Thats the biggest complaint he had about the series was name jealousy? What a pedant.
Cyanogen Mod
@corporateoppressor: Lets see, last month I caught the engine on fire trying to prime the carburetor, put it out and drove it home. Last night I removed the front driveshaft after the front cardan joint disintegrated. Tonight I'm working on finding out why the voltage never rises above 12V.
It was the only way of getting it home without risk of dying in a passionate fireball.
I love my Wagoneer. I beat it like a 3-legged dog, and it just won't die. I've had to start it with a screwdriver, driven it 50 miles with a broken alternator belt, limped it down the road with a ruptured brake line, and nursed it around town with absolutely nothing tying the engine to the frame, and it always gets…
'Bout damn time.
If it doesn't come here with a stick-shift, I won't be touching it with a 10 foot pole.
The first car I remember was my mother's 1983 Pontiac Bonneville. She bought it the year I was born, but I swear I remember the test-drive. When I was 3 I managed to ram a utility trailer through the grille. Other than that it was an unexceptional car driven by someone with no excitement for driving.
@Spiegel James Olmos: I want to see what the Jezbians have to say!
Am I alone in liking the looks of the new 200? Its a better look and they're upping the ante with the Pentastar V6. A manual transmission could make it a decent contender.