
The sweet irony would be to see Apple users start disabling iMessage. I’m all for this. Bullying will sharply increase with this update. Keeping an edit history on the receivers phone would be very simple but Apple is not interested in respecting a user's mental health, they only virtue signal this high and mighty

And you know what they say about gun nuts, don’t you? They’re all right, all right, all right.

I need to be careful where I'm at when they announce Tron 3 is happening because I'll need to change my pants


This. Because the public must judge him! It doesn’t matter how she feels! We are the ones that decide your fate, Bill!!


Over the Hedge!!!


this is frickin’ hilarious.  So now the shoe is on the other foot, so to speak.  I really hope now that as an Android user, I can ‘like’ a message from someone and all the iOS users get the ‘user liked “blah blah blah blah blah” message.  We’ve been dealing with this for a few years now.  Maybe Apple, and now their

Ha! See ya later Neil. 


Baldwin should follow Rittenhouse and keep his frigging mouth shut.

I mean, you can just get a home gym machine for like $499 and it covers over half of the stuff here. I have that, a rower with water resistance, and a recumbent exercise bike (there’s no reason to do a regular bike and muck up your junk and prostate on a stupid bike seat.  I believe those are bad for women as well).

this is an embarrassing list of movies not to like

I’m 44 and I have the same hope.  I’m watching all this going on and I actually had a real feeling that it could happen someday.  Sorry kids, I’m burning your inheritance in space!

he pushes both buttons actually, and many more

Time to watch the trilogy again to get ready.  Haven’t been this excited for a movie in a loooooooong time.

jamiroquai vibes.  love it 

Jack Black is my spirit animal. He also got me on Metamucil which has changed my life.  Really need Jablinski to do some more YouTubes.

This movie has a special place in my heart. It’s the movie I went to see with my brother and my late father back when it came out. We were driving to a KC Royals game to go watch Quisinberry pitch. We couldn’t get a hotel room the night before in KC so we back tracked north to a small town. With nothing to what to do