
While I get it’s easy to throw blame at Floridians, there’s really only one entity at fault here. NASA. If you broadcast to the world the EXACT location that the capsule is going to land, and that location is far enough out that there’s no jurisdiction of that space, then you have failed. Not predicting that there

Every once in a while the bloated orange carrot gets something right. The day after my daughter installed TicTok her Apple ID tried to do a login that originated from China. Maybe a coincidence, maybe not.

Space camp!

you definitely have a misguided view on this if you think his argument is similar to anything conservatives are making about racism.

Um, double standard here? Does he get a pass for some reason? I thought we were cancelling everyone that screws up.

I think it depends where you are at in your mortgage. We’ve had a mortgage for almost 20 years now and when we add up the principal and interest we’ve paid it almost equals the value of the house. 200k mortgage and paid 100k in interest. We have about 35k left to pay. For me, it makes sense to throw all I can at that

Wouldn’t the first recommendation be to put your money towards debt, including a mortgage if you have one? 

another way to do this for a PC, use a smart power plug. Most PCs will boot up when plugged in.  So, plug your PC into that plug and schedule that plug to turn on at a specific time each day.  You’ll have to make sure to turn it off at night, or maybe schedule a time for it to turn off as well.  But be careful to make

If his campaign gets up and running ‘walking?’ with any significant steam, Trump will get another 4 years.

“What a Twist!(er)“ - Written and directed by M. Night Shamalamadingdong. (Spoiler, the Twister can see dead people)

Black people need white accomplices, not just allies. Allies simply agree and don’t conflict. But an accomplice takes action along side. Do something. Don’t just stand by and be silent. Accomplice isn't a bad thing when you're doing good together.

Dang, I religiously watch Cops. Mainly because I can’t fucking believe there's a TV show that will blatantly show officers pull over black people for not using a blinker and then get them to agree to a search by pretending to be their friend and tell them everything will be better if they are honest with them. It's

Holy shit, I always assumed he shot the classmates. Why the heck have we been misled about the intent this long. Did Eddie actually explain before this what was cut out or did he let the misinterpretation go on as well. 

I’m not on Twitter, but is Scott being chastised for this? Is he actually being serious that protesters were actually driven to protest based on a movie and not because of centuries of blatant and systemic racism getting PoC killed? He thinks it was a movie that put them over the edge and not a killing that finally no

Are you sure you aren’t playing Mario Kart?

The best way to enjoy Mario Party? Play the WiiU version. Holy crap, we dusted that off the other day and it was a blast. 5 players can play, 1 of them is Bowser. The Boswer player uses the WiiU controller screen to see Bowser’s perspective, which makes for some very creative and fun games. Of course, everyone wants

that’s nothing, wait until Trump starts bragging that he was right all along about it being like the flu.

if you don’t need it, stick it immediately into a mutual fund that closely follows the Dow (almost all do). I have 3 kids so we’ll be getting $3,900. I expect that to grow by $1,000 pretty quickly and if not, I can wait it out. The market will return, it’s a guarantee.  Also, putting it into stocks/funds has a

A 3D HD version/spinoff SMB2 please

your fucking title was a spoiler.  thanks asshole.