
I’ve had a man crush on Tom ever since AFV. He’s a national treasure. And his statement proves it. He states what his job is perfectly, to help us escape from our lives for an hour or two. He does that job perfectly, too. I'm not a huge fan of DWTS but whenever I do tune in I enjoy it solely because of him.

I haven’t been this excited for a space movie since Interstellar.  I sure hope I haven’t gotten my hopes too high.

you need to get your AC checked. I live in KC and we set ours at 73. Bill is $300 a month. Modest sized 2 story home.

this is like one of those ‘no shit’ stories.  Of course it’s going to be uncomfortably high if it’s going to be called efficient.  But here’s the deal, these settings could probably directly correlate to rises in domestic violence, so you may wanna lower your settings

Ha, isn't that the whole point of the comments section? Thanks!

Well, there are so many other reasons not to hire her, but I suppose now she can always play the ‘because of blackface’ card. I’m a little sceptical that’s why she was fired and I'd love to hear the studio's side of the story.

I’m hoping this is made available via other means. Can they really keep a movie from getting released? I feel like eventually it will leak. I do agree pulling it from theatres is good though.

Plot twist: his $1200 iPhone was destroyed after jumping in

On a recent trip with extended family, my sister in law recently grilled my wife and I about our son’s peanut allergy. After we ‘convinced’ her it was real and that yes, we had him tested and he still has it (it’s gotten worse actually), she went ahead and let her toddler stuff a peanut butter sandwich in his face and

WTF isn’t one of these candidates proposing $16/hour?! 

Go to an in state college and get a desired degree in a field that interests you. Do the first 2 years at a community college if you have one close and the credits will transfer well. Work your ass of and get it done in 4 years. Get a summer job to help with expenses but don’t feel like you have to work during school.

I put my money on ‘laziness.’ That’s my excuse at least. I tend to say, I’ll only be out in the sun for a few minutes, I don’t need to bother. Then, that night, when I’m a tomato, I realize I was just lazy.

Had it been posted on some other form or social media or some other website would you have accepted the results? What’s the right percentage of west coast folks if not 20% (the sun shines everywhere, btw)? This survey actually looks more legit than any political survey posted to CNN or Fox News that would only be

I keep seeing these things at Costco and Walmart on display. You can play them. Or you can try I should say. Every single one I’ve seen is broken. Every...single... one. I get it, there are kids coming through and probably beating the hell out of them, but these are relatively new and I don’t think they’ve been on

I keep seeing these things at Costco and Walmart on display. You can play them. Or you can try I should say. Every

it’s the ultimate irony! Drive Uber to make money. Car breaks while driving!! Can’t drive car to make money to fix car!!!!! Is that Alanis Morissette driving!!??

This article needs to be put down.

As long as the front don’t fall off it’ll be fine

I actually prefer this version

I don’t know that Trump will even hear about all this or even care, but these actions actually play right into his narrative that the ‘media’ is out to get him. If more sites take this type of action to just ban Trump support instead of all political speak, you’re going to see Trump and his base use that to

oh yeah? well I know like 7 more things you can do and I’m not sharing because your post is super condescending just assuming you figured out all this when these are all super obvious that I would best most everyone who has these lights knows that they can do.  geez. sit and spin

oh yeah? well I know like 7 more things you can do and I’m not sharing because your post is super condescending just