
And I bet you rarely got 20%

in my day minimum wage was around $3.50. It’s still $3.50?

I bet you rarely tip 20%.

I’m willing to bet a large sum of money that a very high percentage of the people criticizing this on Twitter and saying that a tip should always be 20% are tipping less than 20%.

screw this.  They are getting more customers by taking credit cards, so that’s how they cover that cost.  I would have no problem taking that 4% out of the tip cost (if I had already eaten there and only noticed this after I ate).  Sure, I’m punishing the person that probably had no say in the matter, but I suspect

well, not everyone should go to college, and not everyone does. but, if you’re highly academic and you plan on working on how we’ll get people in that next rocket to Mars, pretty sure getting to college is one of the best first steps out of high school and I wouldn’t want to discourage anyone from doing that or

Fuck this.  I asked my kid and he said Superman and I said ‘hell yeah buddy!’

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

Lighten up, nerd. There's a reason this movie is on Netflix. Just have fun with it.

Oh, how original. Someone making fun of something that a lot of people like to do and think they are ‘original’ and ‘witty’ for making a parody of it. Isn’t this whole schtick getting old itself? This person, I think, missed the point of the game. But even still, there are blank cards to add your own sense of humor. 

The OSI model is a wonderful thing

I’ve been sober 3 years and I’ve never been happier.  I’m pretty sure it saved my marriage, too.  She rarely drinks and when she does it’s very little.  We would argue sometimes before, and I realize now it’s probably because of me.  I can’t remember our last fight.

when will the next article come titled ‘How to date someone who drinks?’

Edit: this is what an avalanche looks like JUST BEFORE it lands on your car. Talk about a disappointing video.

that was going to be part b of my second question, but now I feel like a jerk.

That show was ahead of its time, but probably couldn’t be aired in today’s climate due to the jokes about him being in the closet and his failed covert attempts to get the other kid to like him. I suppose now that show would be considered insensitive or not PC. But I watched every episode and thought it was genius.

Really, you label him as ‘Valerian and Lucy’ director but leave out the Fifth Element? Or was that on purpose as to not taint one of the best works of art in movie history. I guess when it was made, he was innocent.

Or, you could die.

Does that display still have the protective plastic coating on it from the factory that you’re supposed to peel off? It kinda looks like it. Holy cow when I still see that stuff on things people have owned for a while it drives me nuts. My mom still has some on her 4 year old iPhone.

and which ones aren’t pro life?