
If you feel you’re drinking too much and you need to cut back, then you’re most likely already developed an addiction. The good news is that you have identified the problem and you’re willing to make changes. Unfortunately, cutting back tends to lead to justification for binge drinking later on. “I’ve been good this

Oh boy, I feel for you. Parenting is by far the hardest job there is. And none of us what to be ‘those parents.’ I’m sure you’ve already been told this, but have your daughter tested. My wife is a clinical psychologist, which makes me an expert (big time jk there, :p ) But I do hear a lot from her. The testing they do

Your family did, and continues to do, it right.

It’s been scientifically proven that if you have 5 things to track, and you pick 4 to use these on, you’ll lose the 1 you didn’t put it on within 24 hours.

It’s been scientifically proven that if you have 5 things to track, and you pick 4 to use these on, you’ll lose the

I think you could simmer down a bit on this one. Unfortunately, as parents, we’re the ones that need to ensure our kids are being responsible in school, behaving correctly, getting things done, etc. Some kids are great and do great in school, so when they get home and you greet them with ‘hey, it’s great to see you’

I have never paid for tax preparation. I actually get giddy around tax season (I’m a numbers guy). My goto site now is simply.freetax.com. It’s Liberty Tax Service’s free site. And I really mean free, 100% free. No limitations due to income, no upsales for complicated tax situations or special forms. They have an

DIY Tax - https://simply.freetax.com

I stuck most of it in a plastic bag and had a carry on, wore the rest. I really just did it for the trip there to try it.

I have to sorta disagree. While doing this to avoid a checked bag is kinda ridiculous, I did actually do this to avoid having to bring a carry on. I realize that’s free, but I just wanted to see if I could do it. I dressed myself with 3 days worth of clothing for a weekend trip I was taking, because when I got to

really surprised the 4Runner/GX470 isn’t on there. Also, are Lexus models implied that share the same platform? Perhaps Luxury brands get traded in more because those people like to have the newest thing?

There’s a third situation, when you receive mail for the person that used to live there but it’s obviously from someone who doesn’t have the person’s new address. Sending a note to the post office will never fix that. I used to write ‘return to sender’ on an xmas card we would get every year for our previous residents

for the 559 style they literally have 1 waist size in stock, 29. I suppose selling jeans for 40% off when they won’t fit 99% of men out there won’t kill the bottom line.

for the 559 style they literally have 1 waist size in stock, 29. I suppose selling jeans for 40% off when they won’t

My many wasted years of Internet video analysis tells me this one is faked/staged. He knew it would break (or it was already broken) and his acting job after he threw it on was terrible. He even sets it up that he’s going to ‘prove’ that this works, wonderful foreshadowing.

I would never do that. I just think it’s important to separate biology from psychology when we talk about it in articles like this.

Damn I loved this movie. I actually think it was too smart for some fans and they just don’t get it. Or they are just so stuck in their ways and can’t handle the slightest contradiction to the old movies. I feel sorry for them because they’ll never be able to enjoy Star Wars going forward, unless the unthinkable

“Gender is not a binary”

I bought the entire set back in September for retail. Wal-mart had them all. My kids don’t even want them, they are not on their xmas lists. Anyone want one? $10,000 each. (gotta start high)

Dang, you really screwed this one up.

no, his whole point was that the two fit together perfectly. To make it all fit into a strawberry you have to do work.

Listen, I’m not trying to say you’re wrong about 2027, but using this calculator (http://taxplancalculator.com/calc) a family with 3 kids making $50,000 saves almost $1,000 with the current House plan. That family gets a 2% tax break. If that same family made $500,000 they’d get a 1.6% tax break. The Senate plan