
Thanks for posting this. I had not seen good details on the family tax credit before. So yeah, that actually makes this a benefit to my family. But this just goes to show you that communication about how this new tax plan directly affects individuals can easily be manipulated by both sides by using things like

This is just an average. I have 3 kids. From what I’ve read all my personal exemptions (we normally get 5) are gone. My standard deduction will be about double from 12,000 to 25,000. But that no where near makes up for the lost personal exemptions when you have lots of kids. So far to me it’s sounding like a penalty

Very nice. And someone who put this to the test was Pete Davidson on SNL Weekend Update, basically ‘coming out’ as someone who has been diagnosed with depression and touted the benefits of seeking help. My wife recently started working late in life as a clinical psychologist. At first I didn’t really understand the

You don’t hide security measures.

I’m also in tech. All of our execs were ‘kicked out’ of their offices as some sort of initiative to make it seem like they were somehow on our level. The offices were turned into conference rooms. They mostly all just live in the same cubicles we have, although some have adapted and taken over multiple cubicles and

I’m assuming he didn’t install the ‘push to exit’ button.

I love most of them, they are usually so terrible that they’re funny. But there’s one I can’t stand. They say they will pay the ‘ORIGINAL MSRP FOR YOUR TRADEIN!!’ They say it a few times and I remember the first time hearing that thinking there’s no frickin way. I was alsmost sold. Then, at the end, they get in the

I used to be a very heavy drinking, but I did not know the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving was called ‘Drinksgiving’ or ‘Blackout Wednesday.’ but now that I think back, yeah, I did some good drinking then. It’s basically Friday before a big long weekend...with family. But now that I’m sober (3 years almost) I

By 2030 we’ll have realized we don’t have enough raw materials to make all these batteries so we’ll be running on hydrogen instead, like we should have done in the first place.

Yup, fingertips (at least one) are definitely touching. I’m an image expert, btw.

Please, if you read these articles hoping to find relief for constant hangovers, I ask that you really think hard about seeking help. I’m 3 years sober now and it’s the best life decision I’ve ever made. Sorry, trying not to be preachy, there are plenty of people that are able to live their lives healthy as moderate

I’ll just leave the ‘free pass’ crap alone because you have missed my point twice now and I don’t explain things more than two times to people that just don’t get it. Had your chance.

Are you on the ‘ethics committee?’ I’m referring to how people like you seem to want to give him a free pass. But since you brought it up, his pandering to the public, pretending to be ok with an ethics review to make it seem like what he did is ok and he’ll get away with it in said review, is pathetic. He’ll probably

Yikes. So it’s obvious you think Franken should get a free pass. It doesn’t matter how you think a kiss is rehearsed or not. What matters is what happened in that specific situation. She didn’t want to rehearse it. But eventually said yes because he’s a man in a position of power and he wouldn’t stop until she said

This article is classic ‘whataboutism.’

I see nothing wrong with this. This took some serious skill. This just makes me feel safer.

What am I missing here? Just like any other sport, anyone can beat anyone. Why is failing to make the World Cup considered to be a complete fail of the US Soccer system? Aren’t we making a bigger deal of that than really needs to be made? What ever happened to ‘Hold your head up, we’ll get em’ next year!’? I realize

If you think everyone you’re having sex with is terrible, it might be possible it’s not them that’s the issue here.

I’m a man. I read this article and all it did was piss me off. I read your comment first and I felt better again. Don’t pretend you are helping by ‘admitting’ you are part of the problem and then writing an article saying so, thinking that you are actually making change. How about first just simply not being part of

He was arrested for assault, right? Right?! Why does it only say he was removed from grounds and expelled? You just left out the part where the police arrest him and take him downtown, right?! Or can I just put on a football jersey now and go punch someone and knock them out and not go to jail? I can’t believe I have