
Totally smooth. And wanting to keep in touch while Greg was gone? Double smooth. Young Barack knew what to do.

I love it. Foxy is a word that needs to come back into vogue!

Oh man - I remember being in 15 in high school and going to a trainer (was/am/always will be overweight). I'd lost a ton of body fat, though, and she did that body fast test using calipers. She found my entire body was within like 1-2 percent of "ideal" muscle-to-fat ratio. Except for my arms. Which were something

Oh, girl, I feel you. I lost 50lbs in the last year and my arms still look the same to me. I was all ready to fit into some cute, smaller t-shirts, but those capped sleeves just don't fit around them. :( And it's all in the tricep area. My biceps are fine, but my triceps have always, always been huge no matter what I

Ugh. I hear you! I have heavy arms. I can tone the shit out of my entire body, but the fat arms (bingo arms!!) stick around. I've learned to think they're ok. It's a stretch to say I like or love them. My sister is the opposite. She can gain tons of weight and still maintain those highly desirable, slender arms so

I have the same genetic code as my grandmother on this one. Flappy large upper arms meant for rolling out cookie dough and lifting babies. Even as a teenager, when I had otherwise starved myself to a size 0 and lifted weights every morning...flap, flap, flap. I am the market for summer weight cardigans.

I am slightly overweight, but I too feel like I've got the arms of a much larger person. Even when I was exercising and doing weight lifting, while I got some nice biceps and leg muscle development, my whole tricep area stayed all jiggly. And I hear you on the sleeves thing. If the rest of the shirt fits, why don't

I find women's workout magazines so condescending. No wonder more women don't stick to workout routines, when they have been told the way to get results is to do 50 reps of the same exercise with tiny weight. Flip that around (heavy weight, low rep) and you are actually doing something challenging and interesting,

I am a normal-weighted person and often I buy clothes and the arms are way too tight. This happens mostly with short-sleeved, non-elastic clothes. I would never get surgery, but it seriously is enough to give me an arm complex!

I'm sporting picnic hams also. Drives me nuts. They are barely acceptably outsized v. the rest of me, if I keep my overall weight down so far life is never any fun. But let me gain an ounce, and that is where it's going.

I GET IT! I am very overweight now, but even when I was in my 20s and at my smallest (size 8 or 10) I had grandma arms! I even used to workout 2 0r 3x a wk and danced 2x/wk! ( I love old lady bingo arms - that IS what they are!) Even now when I see pictures of me from then, I think "wow - look how small my waist was -

I work out all the time. Arms, too. Dips, bicep curls, kickbacks, lat raises, pulldowns, isos, you name it. Still have bingo wings.

Oh definitely pho, though as I'm vegetarian I go for the non-meat one, and it works just as well. My sister, brother, and I were all severely hungover in Vietnam and my sister and I were saved by pho. Our poor brother was too hungover to even attempt to eat it, but it was amazing. Note: if you ever do a home stay in

Wow. You and I inhabit the same plane of existence, right down to the ginger beer. I would only add Vietnamese limeade mixed with sparkling water (at least 3 beverages needed at all times) and several episodes of Arrested Development.

Yup, I'm with you there on the pho — you get your liquids, protein, some saltiness, some chillies, some starch, a bit of fat, and some veggies (which are all necessary components of my go-to hangover breakfast) all in one delicious package :)

Yes. Pho forever and always.

I could not agree more on this one. I accidentally had pho one miserable morning after halloween because every single brunch place within a half hour walk was packed with lineups of sad hungover people with their makeup still smeared. Ugh. I gave up, went for pho and it was miraculous. I will never eat greasy eggs

Pho cures all. I think holy water is made from leftover pho broth.

I'm not even hungover and this solution made my stomach churn a bit. You are clearly a gastronomical champ.

Pho is my miracle cure. If I'm hungover, I want pho. If I'm sick, I want pho. Love it so much.