
I can only eat one or two bites of breakfast. Eating a huge breakfast first thing in the morning makes me want to puke. My husband gets up and makes himself a GIANT bowl of oatmeal and tears it down, every single morning. I swear, I want to gag even looking at it. I'm more than happy with a half a croissant and some

Yeah, that's a bad sign. That's judgy control freak behavior. You are a grown ass woman. You should be able to get drinks with your friends.

Pregnancy is a 100% preventable and very serious, life threatening medical condition which is also incredibly expensive.

There are restaurants in NYC that hire NOTHING BUT MALE WAITSTAFF, you fucking moron.

No birth defects as far as I am aware. My husband's mother had him in her mid 30s and all was well, but my husband's dad and she were close in age and it was also her second child. My mom had me at 26 and my brother at 30, but we're ok (my brother has Aspergers, but a fairly minor case and honestly it's more

This explains a LOT because I looooove to drink Diet Coke when I have been drinking. I will pay close attention to see if the diet soda increases my drunkenness. This is a worthy experiment!

I am so sorry about your son. Losing a child is terrible, and my heart goes out to you. <3

As I tell myself often, there is always the choice to adopt. I know, its totally not the same thing, but yeah.

We're mostly no on kids, but I am in my early 30s and my husband is in his mid 40s now. We have about three years before our kids would have fins or some god awful inherited mental disorder or autism....or maybe nothing. Either way, my window is closing and it feels scary, mostly because I am not dealing with this

I do use whitening toothpaste. It does work somewhat!

I work at a job right now where, thank the baby jeebus, calling in sick is not a big issue. We have two elderly partners and they are old enough that flu could kill them.

Now playing

My teeth are slightly yellowed, because I drink coffee. I brush and floss every single day. I did not get braces because my family was too poor to afford them, and its not like my teeth are crooked as fuck. However, I am not going to go damage my enamel and endure face blinding pain every time I eat something with a

Who would really date this guy? He looks like the dude with the nunchunks who hangs outside the convenience store in Ghost World.

If you have never worked, then I seriously utterly do not understand how you can look down on people who haven't traveled. Travel costs money. People work for money. Therefore, most of them need to do things with their money like feed their families, pay for housing, and other things you clearly have no idea about.

I actually don't have a problem with these ads. They're irreverent and are targeted at both sexes. Let's be real, too - if you're having a lot of sex, your bits can get unfresh in a hurry. It's nice to have a little wipe available for between rounds, no? Also, these would probably be awesome for men who are uncut, or

It's not a lack of imagination on my part. Believe me, I read a case study for a research project once that involved the rape and sodomy of a fucking INFANT, which also filled me with rage and this OMG chop his nads off impulse. It's simply that I do not believe the death penalty accomplishes this idea of justice you

That was pretty amazing. They should feel like the two coolest ladies on the planet.

I do not believe in the death penalty. I do not usually believe in revenge or "eye for an eye". But god help me, there's a part of me that thinks all of them should be sentenced to "fatal rape with a metal rod on a bus". I know how horrible that is. And it wouldn't solve a god damn thing. This just fills me with such
