
LINDY IS A NATIONAL TREASURE. You shut your piehole.

I don't think all white men are rapists and pedophiles. However, the fact that you need so much to make SURE we know that you are not a rapist and pedophile, and the fact that you'd defend that giant bag of turds otherwise known as an article, makes me wonder if the lady (I MEAN BIG STRONG MAN) doth protest too much.

If you think that women should have equal rights under the law, you are a feminist. It's pretty simple. Saying you are not a feminist gives weight to the stereotypes about feminism.

My girl cat's name is Bean, and I made up a song for her to the tune of "hey there Delilah"...

Not wanting to be pregnant is the right reason to have an abortion. Down's Syndrome diagnosis is a god damn good reason as well.

Lindy, you are my favorite. Your review of Sex and the City 2 is one of my favorite things ever written. This is sure to be another favorite because ALL KINDS OF YES.

I laughed really hard, but that said, I'd have MURDEREDmy husband if he abandoned me on a holiday. I hope he is otherwise not a giant asshole, because that was a dick move.

Yes. Thank you.

And this is all pro-choicers are saying! It's completely fine to be anti-abortion in your own personal beliefs. In fact, at this point in my own life I don't think I could go through with it (different story when I was 20...or even 25), but that has more to do with my ambivalence about having kids than a moral

Black people aren't outsiders in this country anymore, but nice try.

It's not outing when you use your real name on your twitter. It's basically like standing in the middle of the street and calling people the n-word. If that actually happened it would be pretty amazing, actually. See what happens to them then.

Are you retarded? Not in the non-PC way, I mean actually retarded. Shaming teenagers for being horrendously racist is not the same thing as being shamed for having a vagina and enjoying sex (a basic human instinct). Nice try on the passive aggressive slut shaming there though, buddy. Good job.

What about women who do not have access to and cannot afford a lactation consultant? What about the poor broke mother who has to go back to work in a week and does not get pumping breaks? What about the women who DO have painful breastfeeding and mastitis despite being rich and having access to the best of care? This