
yeah Big Fish has that "magic realism" crap that I despise so much- kinda like The Hunger Games- now THAT is magic realism.

Isn't this Mullholland Falls?  Wasn't Nolte already in this movie?

Tits and Cocaine- that was the name of my Good Cop/Bad Cop duo on the mean streets of Raleigh.  You see they started out uh- nevermind.

Walton Goggins was also a (highly entertaining) redneck racist on The Shield too- maybe he needs to drop out of this so he won't be typecast in the future…

God I have a huge dirty crush on Anne Heche.  I wanna just, uh, you know, and then um, well, never mind.

man I been hearin this shit for like 3 or 4 years now- is it really gonna happen? really…?

Titles in the HARMLESS porn box- Evil Head, Head By Dawn, Army of Cockness, Anal Head 4… man that harmless trailer is still haunting me… it was so, so, uh, scary!!

Horny Popin' with the Popeil Pocket Penis Pope!


Licensed To Ill was a masterpiece of tongue-in-cheek boorishness and over-the-top adolescent aggression, but the irony at the core of the group’s aesthetic was lost on fans who took the trio’s party anthems at face value."  Easy with the revisionist history there Nathan- I loved those kids and Yauch just like

Where the hell is the Smokey and the Bandit remake?  Originally I had Matt McConaughey as Bandit and Billy Bob Thornton as Snowman, with Bernie Mac as Smokey (he would have a white stepson (Danny McBride) to heap abuse upon)- but alas, Bernie has passed on, so I guess I need a new Smokey.  They would run weed instead

well, uh, yer mama eats soup! yeah, what I said

Well I have to comment right?  Good article, good comments - I always loved this movie from the first moment I saw it.  I will say that Kakihara is basically an anarchist- he doesn't really give a shit about yakuza code and honor, but as Tobias points out he is just using that crime world as a platform to do what he

Is this movie about the dirtneck meth-heads that live at the trailer park down by the state prison?

So does this mean that every show or movie ever made has to represent everyone?  Are you telling me there aren't a Shitload of white girls- that hang out with other white girls- that live in Brooklyn- and don't have any friends of other ethnicities?  Of course there are, but god forbid we don't shoehorn an

"I can get this, it’s quick, I don’t have to wine and dine anybody, I don’t have to have a conversation, I don’t have to care how your day was."  Well, uh, exactly.  I will admit that I am, despite my misanthropic nature, a hopeless romantic.  However, I like to shoot jizz all over the place on a regular basis, and it

Maher is kinda a douche- he is an ardent Peta supporter, which to me is almost an instant write off of said person - much like being a scientologist.  Unfortunately, he is funny at times, and I liked his "religion is dumb" documentary quite a bit, even though he is often hard to listen to because of his assholish

Didn't Eli Roth play a clowning Jew-bear?  He was about as scary and convincing as Fozzie in that goofy bastaeaerds movie.

So Gainsbourg ruined Antichrist for me with her complete and total unattractiveness, and now she is going to play what should be ostensibly a "sexy" part in another Von Trier movie?  Has no one noticed that she looks like a young Willem Dafoe?  She is just straight up ugly- sorry if you think she is hot, but you're

Huzzah sir- and many more to you and yours.