
Jesus Sean- did you break up with somebody recently?

What the hell is a "young adult" anyway?  22 years old?  As these books are marketed to 12-16 years old CHILDREN, they should be Old Children's books, not young adult.  So- I have effectively created a new literary genre, the "Old Children's" novel.  "Did you read that new OC book by Ophelia Periwinkle about the girl

does nobody notice that my avatar pic is Shintaro Katsu, aka ZATOichi, the blind swordsman?  He is also a killer and also referred to as "ichi" throughout the Zatoichi film series.  That being said, yes I am an angry lonely man, and I am aroused by violently assaulting myself late at night, with the help of John

Both of the cars (camera and Popeye's) used during filming had flashing red lights on top that are mostly hidden in the actual scene.  Maybe that kept some of the police interest down?  I think the idea was maybe people would get out of the way thinking that they were real police.

"Disco pants and Haircuts"

You know, QT said he wanted to make the best car chase scene of all time.  He didn't.  It was straight out of the Dukes of Hazzard tv show playbook.  Boring and not very engaging.  I like Tarantino, but I thought Death Proof sucked balls.

How about you guys get someone to write this piece that isn't an asshole?  There are a number of great car chases in cinema, and many are awesome.  Hackman's "hammy grimmacing" is called acting- look into it.  He seems genuinely scared and angry and amped to me, and as this chase is widely considered one of the

When I saw Natural Born Killers at the theater on its original run I found that I pretty much hated it.  It was annoying, bombastic and ridiculous.  Then about a year later, it started running on HBO.  It seemed like it was on all the time.  And I couldn't stop watching it- every time it was on I would watch the whole

please explain- I be stupid yo.

Yeah, well, you know what?  If normal ADULT people would stop falling all over themselves fawning over middling CHILDREN'S crap like The Hunger Games and Twilight and Harry Potter, etc. then maybe something like the Hunger Games tour would not exist.  I live in Brevard NC about 5 miles from the Dupont State forest

Anyone who lives in NC will tell you that South Carolina is a sand-pan shithole.

assholes- this movie sucks green mule dicks and is not a cult or any other type of classic.  It just sucks. green. mule cock. in hell.

Kirsten Dunst pulled a DeNiro and gained 70 pounds to play Suzy in this video.

Fugazi, Soul Coughing, ACDC, WuTang

These douchebags remind me of everything I hated about "indie rock" in the 80s and 90s.  Whiny jangly crybaby psuedo-liberal quasi-political shit.  Man do I hate these cunts.  Almost as much as U2, but not quite.

Jesus jumbo bowl of gumbo Christ- I'll give cabin boy a pass- even though it is stupid-stupid, not smart-stupid- but Hackers?  well fuck me runnin', you fellers is just kinda retarted ancha?  **** CULT-
great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded

are you actually defending this stupid retard cockbitin' fuck faced douchebag cunt?  REALLY?  This insipid idiot should be banned from ever having anything to do with music ever again.  If I ever see him on the street I will assfuck his face with a cinderblock- as amatter of fact, I might hunt him down just so I can

oh I'm sorry- he IS a twink- so I hope all those things I said happen while a particularly hairy bear-man is cornholing his balloon knot.

I hope a giant anvil falls on this clown like Wile E. Coyote, while he is fucking some very unfortunate twink and with the aforementioned Vans placed upon his feet.

he did succumb