
Speaking of which, when the fuck is The Knick coming back?

Yeah, getting good marks for clearly articulating that the Communist speech from Bigger's lawyer at the end of Native Son was a grossly reductive mistake on the author's part made me realize that I loved criticism and was pretty good at it.

Damn straight, bruh

That sounds damn near exactly the same as my senior-year AP English class, minus the racial diversity in my classmates. I remember The Stranger and Native Son blowing my mind.

Anyone who gives a kid something by Ayn Rand in the interest of fostering in him an appreciation for literature should be shot.

Somebody please explain to this guy the nature and content of the US-Iran deal. I don't fucking feel like it. Also explain to him that no matter how much he doesn't like the idea, the deal is still going to happen.

Bullshit, dude. That's the kind of insidious discursive myth that continues to drive racist attitudes in America, especially in the South.

Exactly. Look at William Faulkner, one of the greatest American authors ever. People seem to forget that he was a pre-WWII native white Southerner who wrote several great works dealing with race in the South and he had precisely this mindset about black people.

Motherfuck me.

That point about the Jinx is so true, man.


An equally valid position to take, certainly plausible.

Weirdly, I feel like Congo's wrestling match with his conscience as Act of Killing wears on gives me hope for humanity. Maybe I'm a relentlessly naive optimist, but it was insanely cathartic and satisfying seeing even a monster such as he begin to be overwhelmed by the enormity of his actions.

Could you guys please elaborate?

Oh; I thought you lived in Singapore.

Holy shit, dude.

Hopefully Bernie Sanders proves able to step right past them and supplant their position.

Miyazaki's pretty liberal in the context of Japanese politics. Advocates for pro-environment policies and apologizing for WWII and is against nuclear power of any kind, military or civilian, etc. Is a pacifist. Feels like Japan is too comfortable with itself. I agree with most of his views, incidentally.

That this guy is statistically an actual contender for the Republican nomination right now is frankly terrifying. He's incredibly petty, brazen, greedy, and just not bright. What the fuck is going on here?
