
Well back when I was a 14-year-old lad who watched Attack of the Show I let myself be suckered into the idea that she was in touch with normal people and that she actually gave a fuck about the show she was hosting. Then she gradually got bored with it, the network she was on, and the audience that got her a start

Then I am free to not give a fuck about it.

Oh. All the evidence to back up what I've said can only be anecdotal, so I should like her instead. I see.

An obnoxious performance in one of the worst shows HBO ever produced, a completely obnoxious and unfunny presence on the Daily Show, something something cancelled primetime sitcom, a couple of 10 second cameos in a couple blockbusters. Wouldn't say she's good.

Why do you feel compelled to defend her. No one ever has anything to say about her beyond that she's hot because that's all she contributes to any conversation. She is an entirely inauthentic person, lacking in substance of any kind.

Can she please fucking go away

Wow this season's going to be such a clusterfuck of weird divergences from book canon. I'm not really looking forward to it, and for those of you who have been diehard fans since 1996, well, we're all really sorry I guess

What a clusterfuck this will be and I am an "expert" no more.

Yeah I already pre-empted your excuse.

Never quite understood as a black "nerd" (whatever the fuck that word means now) how my white brethren in geekdom, who spent their childhoods being systematically discriminated against on the playground and getting their asses beat every day by rich jocks in the hallways of their high schools, grew up to be these

So you, for example, stood by and said nothing until now for what reason? Oh wait, it's because you didn't foresee it happening because why is that your responsibility?

There aren't all that many, actually, just a lot of ridiculous conspiracy theories that are the result of people reading symbolism too literally.

Well that scares the shit out of me

consumer demand creates jobs, actually

What if your entire argument is fabricated out of meaningless social constructs

What if adultery is a meaningless social construct

Someone ought to kill him then.



Cool; I guess I defer to your opinion then.