
Well, here's the thing: Not all characters need to be vital, some should just be there to flesh out the world of the story.  And as a person who has a mild case of cerebral palsy, I can say that Mitte captures what it's like to be a handicapped teenager perfectly.  Like that scene where his "friends" use him to ask

Fuck you.

Thank you for articulating exactly what i was trying to articulate above.

Anybody else think this guy is becoming more and more of an unlikeable douchebag?  I mean I really liked him back during his Derrick Comedy days and was genuinely proud to see a fellow young black guy be a part of making meaningful, funny content both on that front and on Community.  Then he started failing at being a

Fuck that dumbass.  He's totally dismissable as a critic.

George fuckin Lucas
NEEDS to take his old ass home and be content with swimming in the piles of gold he got at the expense of our childhood memories. Instead he's going to destroy these ones too.