
No clue if it was staged or not. But fork all of the Original UCS Falcon didn’t weigh a metric***kton. So that plus the fact that it’ll fall apart if so much as look at it the wrong way. Yeah not a wonder he flipped it.

That’s Mr iSheeple to you!

How does one refuse, an (otherwise generous), offer from MicroSoft? Just leave the Machine off, and disconnected for the next few Weeks? Well thank the all mighty Zarquan that I’m not a devout member of the Holly MASTERRACE of idiot PC Gamers, and have had enough good sense to move my ass over to Mint Linux years ago

Plot Armour much?

Rhianna hardly counts as either Art, or Artist IMHO.

If you hate it here so much, why not gb2/Sandland where it’s warmer?

Wasn’t he always the voice of Vader?

That I unserstood it (from the now expelled Canon), there was something on the order of 12 Grand Moffs, each appointed by his Highness Emperor Palpatine. The lower. Moffs, (Yes they do exist), might have been appointed by what was ever left of the Galactic Senate.

A Microscopic Dot... On a Microscopic Dot, infinity small...

You might think it’s a long way down to the Chemist’s,but that’s just Peanuts to Space. Listen!