
See I'm all for a Miles Morales..but i'd actually want Peter Parker first. Just so that he can like the Ultimate universe make the ultimate sacrifice and inspire Miles to take up the mantle.

I actually suggested this in a Facebook discussion earlier today, myself. Since it sounds like Spidey's first MCU appearance is going to be Civil War, I would write it like this:

I liked how this guy didn't ask for Gabe's permission, he asked for the Man's blessing.

F that noise. I want Peter Parker as Spider-Man. I'd love a Miles Morales Spider-Man as well, but I probably wouldn't read it. I read Spider-Man for Peter Parker and his soap opera of a live caused by his self sacrifice as a hero.

Doesn't work on me. I only pick up what I bought and leave. The only time I buy something else is when I have a list of other things I need to get.

My crappy NYC apartment does this naturally ;)

The McRib is made from workers who tried to unionize!

I think this is one area where paying for it is better than the alternative.

If you think marriage makes for free sex, you have no idea of the actual cost you'll be paying for the rest of your life. . .

I saw winzip on somebody's computer the other day and lol'ed


Kudos to Ubisoft for its foresight. We thought they weren't releasing this game on the Wii U because they were abandoning the system. Turns out the system just doesn't have the hard drive capacity for the game's patches.

Deprecation is awesome. I've seen condoms retain more value after one owner than some luxury vehicles.

I remember back in the days I when looked forward to Beyond Good and Evil 2.

How hopelessly out of touch.

How to Poop at Work

*raises hand*

The sequel. Make it now.

Man, I didn't realize how bad the PS3's version was. I didn't even notice that fat guy walking behind Michael until I was presented with the crisp, clear PS4 graphics.

They are great if you're home has a heat pump. Because heat pumps don't get as hot as a traditional furnace it can be hard to tell if they are working efficiently or not. This tool will allow you to test it.

They are great if you're home has a heat pump. Because heat pumps don't get as hot as a traditional furnace it can