
I think End-Frame got the contract.

Then by that logic Man of Steel must be crap since it has a score of 56% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Wow, this looks great! I love it when we get detail in-game trailers that show off the game and not rely on CG.

I've always been curious as to what an orgy would be like. Little did I know I was an unwilling, unknowing participant all these years... fuckin' gnats.

When I went to live with my grandparents in Long Island I always thought they were rich. Turns out my grandmother is just very good with money and would hunt for deals, clip coupons and included me in on her process. Granny: the original slickdealer.

Khal Lobo, the barbarian of Atlantis

When I was a kid I was always told to make sure your meat was well done, steak, pork, etc. or else you will get sick and die a horrible death. I had just turned 18 and was invited to a backyard BBQ by a friend who's uncle was a chef. I will never forget the day when he served me medium rare steak and he had to explain

I agree with you. They could have made HD remakes of the older games to generate buzz. Or if the studio or publisher weren't that confident with the game then release it at a low price point and throw it on PSN or Live Arcade. I'm sure fans would have picked it up no matter what.

Very informative. I always stayed away from OxiClean because I thought anything shown on infomercials or "As Seen on TV" wasn't worth the hype/money. I'm sorry for ignoring you for all these years Billy Mays, RIP.

Doc Strange could be the one to seal/protect the gauntlet from being used again. He could have an Adam Warlock-y type of role without having to introduce Adam Warlock. But I agree, the Avengers should be the ones to defeat Thanos.

Agreed. Maybe that could be the event that puts the registration act into full swing. Peter could have been defending children or whatever but gets attacked by three villans, successfully defeats them but dies. They could argue that if he was registered he could have received help and that the city/world doesn't need

If they would have used the lazerus pit or a mirikuru like serum then I would believe his quick recovery.

After read this article I feel like I can be one of the Green Lantern Corps.

Also dat warranty

Dennis Rodman supplies them with Raspberry Pi's.

I miss uncle Pey'j :(

They had lots of training...

Game of Thrones taught me to not be a hero and to eat and drink more.

Whoa! I had no idea Monoprice sold game consoles too.

They are still having issues shipping? I'm so glad I cancelled my order when I did.