I miss you Fulgore... Come on MS give us KI!
I miss you Fulgore... Come on MS give us KI!
Cities in Dust by The Everlove
Engadget is kicking Kotaku's ass with the live keynote.
Don't forget Superman Red Son! I think I sat for a good 10 minutes just picking up the pieces of my mind being blown from the ending.
I remember the episode and that dialogue stuck with me as well.
Gameboy, recognize!
The few times that I've been to the theater and they showed the trailer for this everyone just let out a huge laugh when the name for the movie popped up.
I have a Q6600 and a Radeon 4850 and I'm also playing at a mix of high and med settings but with AA on and at 1440x900. Plays great and will hold me over until I can upgrade my PC 1 part at a time.
This needs to be seen, I love pigao!
I'd like to know too. Guess I will try it tonight when I get home and report back.
"I threw that shit before I walked in the room!"
I think this is a trial run as well. I'm thinking when they announce the new Xbox it will be at a price that knocks us back (maybe $600+) but then they bring out the payment plan option and warranty like you suggested.
Uncharted 4: Drake's Conspiracy
Good, he deserves better than that crappy network. I hope he gets his own show on Revision 3 or something.
I'm going to snatch up a pair around my job. Thanks for that tip!
Remove Olivia Munn and we have a deal. For Black Panther I'd prefer Peter Mensah but I wouldn't argue over Chitwitel Ejiofor.
Most likely they wanted the latest iPad for the retina display to make sure the game scales nicely from iPhone to new iPad.