
Urban Chaos on the PC had a black female protaganist. The game was pretty awesome too but I don't know if it ever came to console since I only had a PC during that time.

I need some of that new hotness...

I was sure it was her when I was watching the trailer. When she pulled out the knife I thought someone was going to get Hard Candy'd.

If it was any other developer I might agree with you but it's Naughty Dog. They usually have strong female characters who can take care of themselves and in all of the Uncharted games I don't remember having to protect any female characters.

The only gamers I know who have it are the ones with small children. My father bought it for my 6 year old sister and she only plays Kinect Sports and Dance Central. A few of my close friends with children around the same age have it as well. It's fun to use during family gatherings but I don't feel compelled to buy

It could have been due to budget constraints. I was upset at that part too because I wanted to see Tyrion..... SPOILER!!!

Now that Penzey's in Grand Central Terminal has closed, is there another place in NY for quality spices?

I love my Vmoda M80's! They are built like a freaking tank, sound great, the warranty rocks and they look like something that fell off of a Decepticon. My only wish is that they isolate better and had better pads.

Same here. I think if they make another X-men movie she should play Storm.

My babies!

Reminds me of the Tubro Express when you could play the game on console then just throw it in the Express and continue playing. I wasn't even thinking about a Vita but now I plan on getting one and getting Motorostorm RC. I really want to support this model and it has me pretty excited.

I really like but if they fix the coverflow sensitivity, unresponsive button presses and a way to streamline the browser (I think the tab bar and the lower bar are a bit too large) then it would go from a like to love. It has so much potential and a lot of the shortcomings can be cleared up with a few updates.

My wife and I have seen something similar during rush hour. I've seen people who are on their devices and when the doors are about to close the thief snatches the device and jumps off the train. From what I've seen they usually target people who sit right by the doors.

Don't forget Mechassault 1 & 2 and Crimson skies! I practically lived on those games back then.

I remember when Xbox Live was first announced and they told us it would only use broadband. At the time that was pretty ballsy and caused such an uproar. Then the beta invitations went out and got nothing from praise by how smooth the online gaming experience was. To me MS made a lot of great decisions and really set

Me too, I'm going to load up on beans for lunch and test this out tonight. :)

This chick is hoarding them all thats why!

Extra cheese and sriracha sauce.

She can't make any calls and it doesn't last for 5 seconds. I set her phone up as new and the same issue pops up. My phone is fine it's just hers that can't stay on the network so she misses all of her calls and texts.

My wife's phone has all sorts of issues and the most recent one is that it keeps searching for AT&T network. After a few minutes it just drops from AT&T and says "searching" at the top. I checked the logs and it says commcenter crashing and theres maybe 50 of those logs. Going tomorrow to the Apple store tomorrow to