
@The SmacK: I love my A5's but I'm sad I had to send them back to get repaired earlier this week. Started getting crackling and popping sounds in the right speaker, turns out the amp in the master speaker went bad. Really hope I get them back soon because they are such great sounding speakers. I hate looking at my

I bet for the amount of work that would go into stitching together cutscenes that even if a couple hundred people bought it that Activision would be happy and make some ridiculous cash off of it.

That other suit reminded me of Epyon but without the whip.

Kind of excited for this. I think it will control well with Kinect but I'm not sure about Steel Batallion.

@warmonked: It wouldn't be so bad if MS didn't have those stupid proprietary enclosures. If it was like the PS3 where you can drop in any laptop HDD then this probably wouldn't be much of an issue.

@vlatro: That's what I'm waiting on before I purchase one. If we can easily put XBMC on it then I will buy one in a flash. Boxee is nice but for me it always scrapes the wrong movie info even though I use media companion for my files it doesn't recognize it. I guess we will have to wait and see.

Really sad story. She was in company of a real hero who sacrificed himself for his family.

@The_Game21x: I'll never understand it either, I feel your frustration and confusion.

I won't believe it until I see a headline with the words" Duke Nukem Forever Gone Gold" and then a release date.

@Rutty14: Street Fighter 5 : Kinect Edition

@gadgetOCD: Some losers like me still have an A/V receiver that doesn't have HDMI.

@Flapjack: That's what I'm hoping as well.

I'd love to load Boxee or XBMC on it.

@UsernameOfTheDead: I agree with everything you said. I feel as though the Move controller can be used by all, i.e. hardcore and casual gamers. I'm not interested in either the Kinect or the Move but the one I would get first would be the Move. For me the games aren't there yet for me to justify picking up the Move

@LucasReis - LOCK2K: Saturn pad was the best. Doing 360 degree motions was effortless. I remember importing Xmen vs. Street Fighter and kicking ass with that controller. R.I.P. Saturn...

@Kimochi Sama: And slapped a $64.99 price tag on it too with a play and charge kit you either have already or don't want. Way to go MS!

@Knoxximus Kiryu: Same. Just another reason for them to jack up the price.

@RandomFFCid: That is one thing my friends and I were talking about. If publishers are bitching so much they why not sell the games themselves? If they have 3 big games coming out in a year why not offer an incentive and say preorder it from us and get all 3 games for $100-$120 or whatever they can come up with. Then