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No... Saying they’re the same isn’t to deny centuries of racism or white washing. Racism and character-washing is a two way street. White people aren’t the only ones that are guilty of it, and you know it. But, I’m sure you read somewhere, or were taught, that racism towards white people can’t exist because of the

I just looked up a study that PBS had posted regarding racial makeup of movies between 2007-2014, and the racial divide was pretty much right in line with the actual racial makeup of the US. So, are you saying that people of color should be over-represented in film?

Is that Brawndo?

I cannot for the life of me get why people don’t get this.

I hear ya. It’s a good thing they haven’t changed any white characters in movies into other races.

Hey, thanks for resorting to 3rd grade name calling there, my friend. Back here in reality though, I don’t support Trump, and never have. But hey, keep adding nothing to this conversation except for personal insults, and “LOL’s.” It’s very constructive, and definitely progresses dialog.

When you put it that way, yeah, it’s a strawman. In actuality though, it’s you who wants employers to rid themselves of employees based off of what the employee does says in their own time, which isn’t a strawman.

You can never underestimate Conservative’s Liberal’s knee-jerk belief that all and every environmental advocate gun owner is either a dirty hippie or “smug” Al Gore a white Christian male that will snap and kill everyone.

Regular people are climate change deniers primarily because they have been lied to by the right wing propaganda machines, ranging from Faux News to Breitbart to others.

I’d rather not have my server grumble about my wife being asian behind my back.

Please define “awful enough to get fired”...

How would I be able to do that from my garage-less, 3rd floor apartment?

Well, St. Nicholas might not have been 100% white, but what about the other mythos that Santa is based on? Father Christmas, Chistkind, Sinterklaas, Wodan? Those are all based in culturally white lore from Britain, Germany, and the Dutch.

I know of one Jesus-like fictional character that isn’t up to artistic interpretation. But, casting that aside for a second, can you image how calm and collective people would remain if Mohammad was ever depicted as a white guy?

Imagine your surprise when you discover the modern day Santa Claus is only loosely based on St. Nicholas. He’s also based off of the British ‘Father Christmas,’ the German ‘Christkind,’ and the Dutch ‘Sinterklaas.’ Most of these are based in, and came from white cultures.

Yeah.. I grew up south of Dallas, and we had a white and black Santa every year at our local mall.

That’s a fantastic idea! Hoping to put hundreds of people out of work for comments they made outside of work. This sounds exactly like something Trump will want to do before long.