
Aside from walking straight at a group standing far from them minding their own business and then once there proceed to yell, chant and drum in their face. Yup, they dinnit do nuttin.


Ahh, poor little piss baby is mad.  Have a good cry piss baby.  Maybe your mommy will make it all better.

Turns out they didn’t do anything of the sort as is clear on the video.  Try watching it instead of relying on liars like Monique to tell you what happened.

Hey look everyone.  Another retarded Gizmodo writer.  Can’t even see the facts when they are on video for the world to see.  Is too racist to see straight.  Typical Root employee.

Chris Evans is a functional retard who can read lines on screen. Big fucking deal.

killing babies is wrong dude.  Don’t be a baby killer.

Like her fascist fore-fathers, if Laura repeats a lie long enough, maybe the dumb Deadspin commentariet will continue to believe her.

We get it.  You’re a retard.

The fuck did you just say?  Hogg and his ilk hide behind the fucking Democratic party and the media to attack his enemies.  And they do it for free.  Hogg got into Harvard despite being dumb as a brick.  White privilege right?

killing babies is wrong.  You should be old enough to know better.

No, the only good people in this situation are the kids.  Everyone else is an asshole. 

Go fuck yourself retard.

Or a Black Lives Matter shirt.

The video shows you are a liar.  I’d stop lying if I were you.  You look pretty dumb.

You are a liar and a pretty bad one at that.  The video conclusively contradicts your narrative you and your fellow travellers are trying to push on us.  The native ‘elder’ purposely walks up to the students who are ignoring him and proceeds to chant and drum in the kid’s face.  The kid meanwhile does nothing but

What are you gonna do?  Write mean comments on a left wing website?  Ooh.  You are one BadOmbre!

Sure cunt.  You can’t get your fat ass off a couch much less catch anyone.

Yeah, the genocidal wars between tribes is pretty well known.  It explains why there are no more Wendat people.

Yeah get them kids you internet tough guy.