
Gonna update this again now that it is clear to everyone not a retard that the kids did nothing wrong.  Or is being white and in public a crime now?

So which savage nation do you prostrate to?  The one that was on top when the English and French showed up or the ones that were murdered by that group prior?  Or the ones wiped out even before then?

The teachable lesson I guess is to physically attack assholes instead of standing there doing nothing?

The kid should be so lucky.

Killing babies is wrong.  Someone really should have explained this to you earlier in life.

So provoked means “stood there doing nothing” now?

Gee, an asshole comes up to my face and starts chanting and drumming, that might take some of my attention.

The land is in the province of Ontario in the country of Canada governed by the elected officials or our choosing. Who the last native group slaughtered prior to us getting here is not anyone’s concern.

Lot of words here for a proven lie.  Next time try watching the video before being outraged.  You’ll save some embarrassment. 

Oh boo fucking hoo Hannah.  Take the stick out of your ass and have a laugh.  That’s what you fuckers said what Louis was telling abortion jokes.  Just because he’s skewering your beliefs doesn’t make him not funny now.

Mmm.  Nothing like acting like a bitter cunt to show you’re not a bitter cunt huh Laura?

Support more illegals coming to your school

Leftist wannabe dictator won’t condemn leftist dictator.  How are you shocked Jorge?

Can’t wait until Gizmodo gets bought and you losers are fired.  Make Deadspin Great Again!

a) It’s always nice to take an opportunity to remember and reflect on the fact that men don’t menstruate.

More people should punch mouthy kids.  Lesson learned for this little twat.

They had to wait months or years to get there.  He’s paying so he’s to the front of the line.  It’s how capitalism works.

He’s using the same private clinic Taliban Jack used.  Relax.

What part of private clinic do you not comprehend Paul?  Are you just another retarded Splinter writer?

Old fat white guy knows which way the mob blows.