
It’s democracy. The people elected and appointed by the government should not be held hostage by the bureaucracy. Public servants serve the public, not the Democrat party.

So it’s only bipartisanship when Republicans do whatever democrats want?

Another violent junkie spewing shit. Fuck off loser.

I’m pretty sure the kid will be happy her ‘mother’ didn’t kill her and her adoptive parents took her in instead of leaving her to die.

Only you assholes can turn saving a child’s life into something bad. Too bad the ‘mother’ didn’t murder the child in her womb and then she’d be your fucking hero you depraved cunt.

I don’t know what was better. The great speech or the constant crying like little bitches coming from this site and the rest of the Anti-American left. Good night had by all.

Yes you are.

Congressman expects police to do their jobs. Big news.

Their perspective being 9/10 of them not giving a fuck what liberal virtue signalers think.

We get it. You’re a fucking narcissistic pussy who wants everyone on the internet to know you’re too cool for the NFL now. Funny how your type manages to go along with everything Deadspin pushes.

Good. Stop watching if you are so easily offended.

Good. At least there are some adults still running things and not caving to crying whiners who need to get a life.

Too bad this law breaker got caught breaking the law and was punished accordingly for breaking the law. If only he had some time to stop breaking the law over the last 40 years.

We weren’t the ones bitching and crying about a cartoon mascot. You snowflakes were.

Maybe we do need taxes for more education. Particularly on using their, there and they’re correctly.

If a cartoon logo prevented you from liking a team, you have more problems than sports teams. Grow up. Better yet go check your nearest reservation and see what gear they wear. Lots of Indians and Redskins logos everywhere. And I’m nowhere near Cleveland or Washington

Another ‘victory’ for the easily offended snowflake generation. Well done virtue signalers.

Frees him up for the grueling Baseketball playoffs starting soon.

They could turn around and go back home.

“Undocumented immigrants stopped entering San Diego through Tijuana”