
“These 33 Democrats care more about Americans than foreigners”.

One day you won’t be an embarrassment to your family.

Your mom is embarrassed she birthed a snowflake like you.

Shut up snowflake.

Sounds like something a snowflake without a spine would say.

Fuck them. If a few retards want to eat laundry detergent, we should allow evolution to work it’s magic and let them filter out of our gene pool. Just pray they do it before them procreate.

Sounds like you’re the actual snowflake who can’t stand up for yourself. Get a spine loser.

You must have missed all the harassment and vitriol thrown at business owners who don’t pander to left wing causes. When it’s your side funny how you see no evil.

posted under wrong thread. my mistake.

Math is hard for the racists at The Root.

The bad news for the racists at The Root is Trump is healthy and going to survive his two terms as President. Enjoy!

Sorry lady holding sign but empirically Haiti is a shithole. So is a large chunk of America though people would have a different definition. People from cities think rural America is a shithole and vice versa.

People are going to be rushing to check Trump’s twitter account while they’re seeking shelter huh? You really are retarded.

If someone is trying to force you to do something you don’t want to do, why are you staying in their house? Did he block the door? Prevent her from leaving? He made it clear how he wanted to proceed, she made it clear she didn’t want to do that. She should have left. Famous or not he doesn’t have magical powers

Are you retarded or did you miss the part where Trump was told it was a false alarm and no missiles were actually in the air. Bureaucrat fuck up is not Trump’s fault. It is the Hawaiian government’s fault for not firing this asshole.

Incompetent unionized bureaucrat screwing up is now Trump’s fault too. Maybe we just need a bit more swamp draining and get better bureaucrats instead of life long unionized lackeys.

The AV club is getting harder to read. Enough with the Social Justice Warrior shit.

So he left a shithole where there were no prospect of a better life to move to a non-shithole where he’s now rich and semi-famous. Good for him for leaving a shithole country.

Not enough diversity and social justice for you? Dunkirk was great and Darkest Hour even better.

You’re reading Deadspin and complaining about other idiots who write on the internet. Self awareness isn’t your strong suit.