
in Asian culture, they respect the elders...

a chick in a bikini!!!

you would have more money than what GE paid in tax...

I get the feeling Kathryn Bigelow is going to sue for even REFERENCING The Hurt Locker EOD in the game....

and people look at me weird when I use chopsticks to eat things...

STILL cheaper than ACTUAL boob job...

that's exactly what parents need...

"having players take on the role of an Umbrella Security Services soldier in a third-person, team-based shooter that explores a reinterpretation of the events depicted in Resident Evil 2 and 3."

damm whippersnappers!!!

for a Michael Bay movie, it sure has almost non-existent explosions and CGI...

Sega Outrun

I bet Tomonobu Itagaki would have NEVER approved of this asshat change...

I always wondered why is it illegal NOT to follow a non-government private group?

doesn't matter if no one gets it...

adult version would include "ass" and "pussy/penis"...

edit...stupid FF 4 RC...

I would like to know where "WII" is tattooed...

"The seller is promising 10 percent of the final sale price will go to the earthquake/tsunami recovery effort in Japan. With three days left, its current bid is $21,600. Though the seller placed a $500,000 reserve price on it, he says he did so to, in effect, award the item to the highest bidder - while still

so when is the eventual pissing to the virtual corpse be added?

I know...but we can ignore that, right?