
but after several months, it's all good now!

so stop doing Metal Gear and work on that LONG overdue Zone of the Enders, dammit!!!

I was thinking of Vita game cards which I can see you can make adapter but those memory cards about same size as microSD with 15mm long but just a tad wider at 13mm vs 11mm...

haven't someone made microSD to Sony Vita memcard adapter yet?

I rather loved Evangelion series and ESPECIALLY Asuka. She was so strong and yet so fragile.

countdown till the service shuts down due to underage and under-the-table prostitution in 3, 2, 1.....

because there are no flashlights for guns...ESPECIALLY in the future...

pretty sure it's honor system...

I used to cross chopsticks when I was younger but I eventually learned how to use it properly...

try eating Cheetos with a fork...

is there such thing as "catalog" of all the named weapons or are the weapon stats pretty much random?

I think I heard this joke before...but it's missing rabbi...or was it Mohammed?

I haven't seen that much poop action since 2girls1cup....

and I thought I couldn't hate Seinfeld anymore...

Now playing

pretty sure this is EXACTLY what's going on...

IS it worth $29?

Kotaku Fix addon for Firefox...

Kotaku Fix addon for Firefox...

Kotaku Fix addon for Firefox...

Kotaku Fix addon for Firefox...