@lostarchitect: I disagree, I think it is just more socially acceptable to be a sports fan.
@lostarchitect: I disagree, I think it is just more socially acceptable to be a sports fan.
@themightyspitz: I never +1 anyone, But you have earned it.
Top C, Left C, Bottom C.
Me: 1
We have a deal. They get out of the way of our cars, we look the other way on the statue defecation.
@XRFlip05: Yeah, but I think what the controversy is about is that the second release PS3 had BC via software emulation. I would assume that this is something that could easily be still supported by current non-BC ps3's via a software update.
@TheCrudMan: You might as well pick up the habit at that point.
@windupbird81: I'm sure if I lived there I'd take it for granite.
@jacob.kossman: It says silver.
@OGHowie: I believe he said in the 10 million range, I can't be sure though.
@WilliamTheFifth: Honestly, I said that in my head right before I saw your comment.
@Lite: an adventurer is me!: Hm, I disagree. SJ said in his keynote that there would be "millions of FaceTime devices by the end of the year" and I don't think there is an iPad revision coming anytime this fall/winter. The other thing is that I think the iPod touch is supposed to do exactly what you speak of. Get…
I have a subscription to Netflix, but occasionally me and my girlfriend do get the urge to rent something "New" the day of, so we traditionally use RedBox.
While I generally believe that art is in the eye of the viewer, I can honestly say that I cannot see how this could be considered "art", let alone good art.
@ortizlgnd4: "The player doesn't control movement, in fact the characters are near stationary "
@Standish: That motherboard doesn't allow 2 cpus?
@92BuickLeSabre: I'll know its you when you pull up in your car.
Back in 2002 I was building my first "Gaming Rig" that had a blazing AMD 1600+ and a Radeon 9700 Pro that I got on sale from BestBuy (it was accidentally tagged at $299)