I like to pretend that I'm actually the one heating up the laptop.
I like to pretend that I'm actually the one heating up the laptop.
@blehbleh13: Seriously, it'll be awesome with facials errr faces
@lbberkeley: Bravo!
@MacAttack: constant wind coupled with tilted camera angles.
@gizgizgiz: Seriously, this way is so much more inconvenient then driving to my local comic shop.
Incorrect Kat, "safety" is not the first rule, in fact, its not even a priority.
I can't complain. I remember the days when my phone didn't receive ANY updates (palm).
7 is phenomenal
@armendni: I've always had good coverage with them, however I will say my girlfriends Verizon phone typically does have better coverage overall. We get a corporate discount though, so it makes up for it.
@Stevenk: "Up to date details" such as up to date cancellations?
Is this just an issue for those ordering through AT&T or Apple as well?
@N-Robes: I believe Klebb was the villian in From Russia with Love.
@DaCapin: But on the other hand, specs aren't everything.
@green or blue: If no one objects, I'd like to present him with the "Down to Earth" award.
@Lite: an adventurer is me!: It actually does have N wifi.
I'm surprised that David and Walt wrote positive reviews, they aren't standing in a position to make any money if it really takes off.