
You are as good at reading as star scouting; i.e. similarly to a 5 year old. If he was their best player why did they give max $$ to Whiteside yet cap Wade. It’s bc he’s done as a top eschelon player. You are completely clueless and clearly don’t watch the games. Wade didn’t change his playing style one iota.

Clearly you don’t watch the games. You can’t stat scout. In addition, you do realize how many games he’s missed in the last handful of tests, no? You also realize that at DWades age, you don’t find the fountain of youth and magically become more healthy. Your examples of people taking less money elsewhere (not what

Players care about one thing: $$$. Dwade isn’t the best player Miami has ever had; LeBron is 5x the player wade ever has been. You’re argument re DD is silly. DD is young, Wade is DONE. Riley isn’t paying for past performance. The Heat offered DWade a very solid deal, significantly overpaying, so he WAS given

That’s what he’s worth to Denver, not Miami.

Why? Fans care about winning, not loyalty. Wade is not worth $20MM/yr, that is a charity offering. Look where the Lakers and Yanks are after paying Kobe and Jeter, respectively, for past performance. Sports are a meritocracy. You might ask why Tyler Johnson got such an exorbidant K; the answer is potential upside.