
The rest of our partners were ready to fund it through at least 2028. As usual, the US was holding everything up.

Unfortunately probably not. Most forms of muscular dystrophy are related to mutations in cytoskeletal proteins that play a structural function in the cell. Mitochondrial damage can happen later, but only as a secondary effect of cellular dysfunction, and it's not a problem with mitochondrial-nuclear communication, but

Those radiation levels are also 1/10th that deemed safe by the rest of the world. So assuming a normal distribution of values and a half-life from the data in the article, only a tiny fraction of the fish tested would be unsafe to eat.

Gawker Blogger Lies in Headline would be a much more appropriate title for this article, if not for the paradox it would create.

The scarring is about the same as a laproscopic surgery, both of which are much less than open. As for why surgeons prefer it? If you ask them as another medical professional, the answer is almost universally that they're more enjoyable. The surgeon can sit for the entire procedure, and describe operating the robot

Those are different surgeries, and there are a few cases, such as node disection for cancer staging, where the robot has been shown to have better outcomes in good evidence based medicine (as opposed to impressions and anecdotal reports). However, all the other points (total stay, complications, blood loss) were

And you left out the part where you bothered to read any of the 150+ comments trying to say the exact same thing, and my identical responses to them, pointing out that the word "stateside" wasn't originally there. Especially the one where the author thanked me for pointing out the mistake and said he'd fix it. May

The initial version didn't. As you would have seen, had you bothered to read any of the 150+ comments in this 2 year old thread. And you would have seen the author thanking me for pointing out his mistake and saying he'd correct it. And then me making the same point I'm making to you now, to the 80+ people who've

Shockingly, you can use a computer, to make graphics, even if they're aren't animated. The former definitely applies to this video, even if the latter doesn't. But hey, language is hard sometimes.

The magic of ablative insulation. For even hotter than this, a few sheets of newspaper folded into an 8 inch square and soaked in water is a great method of working with up to white-hot molten glass in glassblowing. The water's mostly just there to keep the surface from charring too fast, it's the layers of paper that

You may want to read the article again. It directly addresses the question of what can be learned from Pruitt-Igoe:

As it turns out, the most recent research suggests that women shouldn't do home breast exams. In essence, they find so many lumps that the harm from following all of those up (in unnecessary mammograms, biopsies, etc...) actually outweighs the benefit of finding some cancers earlier.* And that's really what's at play

If you'd read any of the 150+ comments in this thread, you'd have seen that the word stateside was only put there by the author because of this post. In fact, he thanked me in this very thread, and said he'd make that edit, unfortunately once it was too late for me to edit the OP.

You know what would take real genius? Reading any of the comments from the 90+ previous people who've said the same thing you did, and my response to each of them, pointing out that the words "stateside" is only there because I brought it up to the author of the post, who thanked me (in a reply to this exact same

"If the temperature is 3°C and the water is liquid it is still 3°C. If the freezing point of the water is 3°C then it is still 3°C but the water is now a solid. No change in temperature only a change is the state of matter so hot would this release heat?"

Did you not see the 90+ other people who've made the same comment in the last 2 years, and my response to each of them?

The author points out this is all off-the-shelf components. But I think you're missing a ton of the challenges required to get this to operate in the environment it does. White noise everywhere, RF signals can't get through any of the walls, operators can't actually touch any of the equipment, etc... Unless you've

I think it's more about the challenges of getting it to work in a uniquely harsh environment, rather than the IT core they built off of. All the hardware is what makes it special, not the software.

Throat mikes, headphones, dedicated wifi system, slaved a/v system, ability to operate in a loud white-noise environment....

Come on Robert, simple mistakes here. You even called it a jetpack. No rockets involved. At all. Just jet turbines. Yes, he might popularly be called Rocket Man, but it's not rocket-powered, no quad-rockets involved.