
On the one hand, very cool topic for an article, and an impressive array of sources. On the other hand, every Giz writer should be forced to re-take high school physics until they can correctly differentiate power, work, and energy, and correctly use them all in an article.

While the original article is was clearly terrible, making edits to existing articles without acknowledging them is a staple of Gawker Media. So maybe not so much with the outrage that they didn't note it, unless you want to mention that your own site does it as standard.

You might want to inform Max over at Gawker of that fact.

Awesome article, Annalee. As someone who's been on the other side of that donation, I really appreciate the gift to the future of medicine.

If the enemy can launch 900 tennis balls at Mach 3 and hit a ship from 15 km away, I'd say we have plenty of problems right there.

It would be pretty insane if those were the same building, yes.

This should probably be filed under concept art, rather than architecture. Yes, it's from an architecture mag's prize winners, but a prize that almost exclusively goes to practicality-free fever dreams rather than feasible ideas. Pretty pictures, some misunderstood techno-babble, and not much else (other than

"Whales lack teeth, so they draw enormous amounts of water into their mouth and quickly push it out through a baleen plate filter to feed."

eVolo is about pie-in-the-sky sci-fi and fanasy skyscrapers, not anything that has a chance of seeing reality. Notice that the winning entries were for attempts to re-freeze the arctic ice-caps and buildings held up by giant helium balloons. You might as well cite as plans for NASA's next

So every expert you had on said that it would take an ridiculously complex series of events to prevent the plane from landing safely. And yet you chose to ignore all of them, and insisted on obscuring everything in FUD, an "infinitude of possibilities", and scaremongering nonsense wherever possible. Sounds like

It's not really healing though, is it? Much more like a right-handed person learning to do everything with their left hand if they lose the right one. Compensation, rather than actually healing/repairing anything.

Was the jab at the F-22 something required by Giz "editorial" policy? Because what, a week ago there was a post about how the F-22 was flying mock combat missions at Red Flag. So clearly it's flying just fine. Which just makes your comment less a sly wink and more a 6-year-old's come-back insult. Really too bad for an

Not even a mention of the massive debunking that has been done over this? Bad Astronomy, Pharyngula and plenty of other sites have cataloged both all the errors in the original "research" (which deserves every scare quote I can give it) and work by actually respected scientists in the field demonstrating with this

There's absolutely no "self-healing" going on here. The chips are able to work around damage, not actually repair at. At best you might be able to get away with a metaphor about breaking the arm of your dominant hand, and then learning to write with your other hand as a way of compensation. It looks like you've

You're correct. They are not "self-healing" in the slightest. As usual, Giz writers haven't bothered to do more than skim someone else's article, much less actually understand what they were writing about.

Yeesh. Even Gawker was willing to admit the very likely possibility that it was just a RC plane someone was flying too near the airport. But no, Sam has to go all black helicopters, rather than admit the slightest possibility that nothing nefarious was going on.

Celtic knots... plasma... never losing cohesion... You're saying the ITER should have been built in Ireland?

From the final figure in the paper, for anyone interested in energy storage, it looks like they have 2-3x the energy density of existing supercapacitors at 2 x 10^-3 Wh/cm3. That's still only about 1/4 the energy density of the Li-ion battery in your phone/laptop/electric car, though. Definite progress none the less.

Not to let a little thing like facts get in the way of your non-article, but WP8 has had a first-party Twitter app since the day it was released. This is just a style update. They say so in the title of the article you linked to. Of course, like Twitter everywhere, third-party apps are still way nicer. I use Rowio,

Section one of those puppies and look for growth rings! The accretion vs. tumbling controversy cannot be allowed to stand any longer.