
Man, the Netflix Witcher is going to be a world-class study in How to Fumble the Bag. This should have been just a completely over-the-plate, basic, effortless win on Netflix’s part but a dozen utterly baffling decisions have really tanked it. I don’t even care about the recasting, there are just *truly* horrible

“The hope is that, like the comics, you can just pop in anywhere and have a satisfying experience.”

Marvel: We’re going to stop diluting our brand with a bunch of ancillary shows.

I’m gonna chalk up a lot of her bad experience to “datapad issues.” But a four hour video praising her time on the starcruiser sure wouldn’t get nearly the attention she’s getting

The interactivity and attention to detail were lacking, so it failed.”

The game doesn’t randomly assign you factions at all.  You make your own choices. 

The human in this car is malfunctioning for thinking that he could use the crappy feature in this level of visibility.

Why!? Why after almost hitting a train using FSD in the past would you EVER use FSD when crossing train tracks again!?

Pretending to be too enlightened for bullshit clickbait in the midst of vomiting out precisely said form of bullshit clickbait is, sadly, the entire operating procedure of this witless contemporary version of AVClub.

Holy fuck. Just because groping is really common where you’re from doesn’t mean it’s okay. It means where you’re from is fucked up.

As things stand, Kevin Spacey has thus far been repeatedly found not guilty of anything. Now, you may disagree with that, and that’s fine. There’s plenty of smoke. Maybe there’s some fire there too.

If we’re going to run by the generally accepted Western standard of “innocent until proven guilty” however, then there’s

the fact that they don’t have to rush these out anymore has completely ruined them. the show was great when they were forced (largely by themselves) to fly by the seat of their pants.

Honestly it happens to Yi so much that I wonder if they are in the wrong line of work.  

I would take these allegations more seriously if they were made to the police and not on Instagram. 

But is she abused on every project, or is she someone with untreated trauma who keeps transferring that trauma onto every project she works on?
She often tries to leave projects that are underway. Not every set is a happy set, but not every set is a miserable hell-hole, either. She’s also typically working on projects

I was just going to say, I don’t think I’ve ever seen any story involving this woman which hasn’t been about her claiming something horrible happened to her behind the scenes.

Ben Platt was an okay decision, but the make-up/special effects, and most importantly, the wig, just made him look like play-doh.

^Exactly this. There is good reason that filmed live productions of Into the Woods (first one that comes to mind) et al. continue to be discussed and praised far more than their clumsy movie adaptations. Studios, know who your audience is and cater to them, and let the experts and professionals who made the stage

I’d like to see more musicals get the Hamilton treatment: just film the stage show. No need to moviefy it.  Give some thought to the camerawork to keep it from being static, but just let the stage players do their thing.

It blows my mind that they were referring to her skin color. I don’t know this factually but there’s definitely been at least one stage production of Wicked where Elphaba was a Black actress. There is no doubt in my mind that there’s been at least 2 north American actresses that have played this role. Again I don’t