getting the police back to their roots
getting the police back to their roots
I’m pretty sure there is no “fall guys with cars” asset available. If what he’s shown so far is just an asset flip of some kind of car game, then I’m even less confident that this will ever ship :-)
I really disagree with the idea that lootboxes/TCGs are gambling; a predatory practice, maybe, but to qualify them as “gambling” is a bit of a stretch. Most lootboxes justify it by providing alternate means of obtaining the same items via a longer/less efficient process, and TCGs... I mean, really what is the argument…
Everything that has transpired has done so according to xbox’s design. Your friends, up there on the modding communities, are walking into a trap, as is your kamakaze template. It was *I* who allowed the modders to know the location of the chip. It is quite safe from your pitiful little hack. An entire legion of my…
There are condoms in every supermarket.
I’ve never heard a rationalization for cheating as creative as Nicks. It’s like someone asked Mr. Rogers to describe a butt plug.
That’s going to be cold fucking comfort to the kids he’s going to ignore and not be in their lives.
It took two months to be able to roll on my own, or otherwise I might have. ;)
I played the beta on the PS4 when it first came out, and it never clicked with me. I’m glad you’re having fun with it, but if I came out of a coma and all anyone wanted to talk about was Fortnite, I think I would have rolled myself out of the window.
It’s almost like he wasn’t sorry and is a huge asshole...
Are you kidding? The media misses him so much it is sickening. They would gladly welcome another four years of his bullshit. Why? Ratings. Don Henley warned all of you about this in the song “Dirty Laundry.”
“Covid is spreading in Florida because of the insurgence of Covid-infected immigrants at the Texas border 1000 miles away, and NOT because the FL governor keeps want to throw his unprotected citizens at the pandemic to slow it down.” I know the GQP is going to pull any shit out of the air it possibly can no matter how…
I find it utterly amazing that this imbecile still has a platform. Yes, I know its Fox and yes I know it is the GOP. Hell, it was stated that the GOP still considers Trump the head of the party. It speaks volumes that the GOP is so desperate to stay in power that they will embrace a fool just to keep it.
Glad somebody posted this, ‘cause I was gonna if no one else did. One of my favorite sketches ever. (and surprisingly one I didn’t see people post that much in the Trump era, despite all the numerous people posting death wishes for him all the time. Guess they took it to heart.)
How TF did you come to the dumbass conclusion that racist zombies would make the game more interesting? Also this isn’t a generic zombie game, it’s a followup to L4D which was THE zombie game and set the trend for many future games. To answer your question which shouldn’t even need asking, the reason “Umm why” you…
It's almost as if the context were more important than the pronunciation
“I think your grandma’s a zombie”
Every zombie in the plague is some Redcap that shouted getting infected/bitten by zombies was their god given right, and it’s Communism to try and stop it. Screaming the N-word as they charge others in their undeath is spot-on world building.