
Oh cool, a Seth Rogen movie. Maybe if we're lucky, Ja Rule will threaten to blow us up if it gets a theatrical release!

Y'know what? I think it's kinda catchy! But don't trust my tastes, I didn't stop playing Sonic the Hedgehog games after 2001 like everyone with a rational mind did.

Between (the dozens of) you and me? I fucking adored Dragon Quest V on the DS. It was the first game that got me emotionally invested in its characters in a long, long time. But, and I realize how stupid of a comment this is to make about an RPG, the grinding really got in my way of hangin' with my shorty Debora

Where they'd usually bring about my terror and disappointment in mankind, these quotes manage to legitimately delight me in this bizarre and fascinating hybrid of real life and the world of the Shinchan anime dub!

Remember Mega Man Universe, the least-loved of the three Mega Man games in the works just before the bubble burst? The fanbase had taken up a nasty habit of dissing anything that didn't look and play like a carbon copy of 2, but as one of the three people who considered Powered Up a welcome change of pace, I thought

Y'know, that well-made Michael Jackson hologram performance at Whichever Music Award Show That Was made me a little nervous that somewhere down the line, the floodgates were going to open and everyone who had been acquitted of nasty charges (or, I don't know, didn't have them in the first place) would become fair game

If "damn near moves you to tears" is an acceptable criterion, I'd like to cast a vote for "Can still see the light" from Phantasy Star Online.

Meanwhile, at Capcom, party balls all over the barren offices are opening up in a shower of confetti and banners that read "It's not us!"

I'll give it a read, it's only fair. I've owned that official book where they "interview" Rich Uncle Pennybags for years now.

This might be the first time an A.V. Club article has sold me on something within three sentences.

I fully expect that Skeletor tag to get some extensive use.

I'm preemptively regretting what Amazon recommendations are gonna come crawling out of the woodwork now that I've previewed "Look Who's Back."

The A.V. Club is the means by which all is revealed.

Coin flip. I'm (mostly) joking, it usually goes by seniority, then price for me. The slim PS3 was my first jump into the previous gen, and it had a couple years to itself before I'd gotten around to building a PC that can run games made after 2005. Last Black Friday, I finally took the plunge and picked up a cheap

Shoot, I completely forgot I even had a Crock-Pot! I started making wild rice in it to try and convince my roommates I'm not a terrible goddamn glutton and completely bored myself out of using the thing. Now that the cute one's moved out, I can start making pot roasts in there again and be a terrible goddamn glutton.

I miss these days, and I'm still kicking myself for not holding on to my Sonic the Hedgehog board game. Today everything just gets turned into Monopoly. Boring.

I've gone all-in on something called Phantasy Star Online 2 after discovering the means to play it (largely) in English. SEGA of America announced it once, then quietly changed their minds and decided instead to double down on Alien(s) and Sonic. Apparently you can craft things in this game, but there's so much I

Aaaww. I was on-board until the CGI. Thomas the Tank Engine was completely phoning it in during the later years.

Sarcasm-rich articles like this are why I subscribed to the RSS feed. That, and not wanting the A.V. Club to give me a noogie.

"Which Avatar?" I thought when I saw the headline. Then when I clicked it and saw the image I went "Aw, man." And I haven't even watched the other one.