That looks nothing like King's Landing.
That looks nothing like King's Landing.
I can think of better ways to spend $7 than giving myself diarrhea.
I recommend KOTOR 1, never played 2. It has the best story of any other Star Wars game, probably better than most of the movies, too. It's a little outdated, but the story still keeps you engaged. The first planet your on can get a little tedious, but the action picks up more after that.
Streaming is not the way of the future. Netflix won't have everything you want to watch, neither will Amazon Prime nor Hulu Plus. If ISPs get their way, which is likely since they back many politicians and the rest don't care, then they'll get to charge content providers a premium. Guess how they'll sustain their…
I thought the same when Anne Hathaway was cast as Catwoman. I actually thought she was really good. The rest of the movie was pretty underwhelming though.
Can you not buy from Amazon US? I've purchased from Amazon UK in the past.
I think it's working for me. I installed Classic Themer though.
That's what turned me off. In the previous version, the top of the screen to the bottom of my bookmarks bar was 80 pixels. The update increased that to 101, most of it empty space. I have a 1920x1080 monitor, I would be even more annoyed on something smaller.
This. PLEASE use clear, well-written comments, especially if other people will be using it. In one of my classes this year, we're working with Perl. The class requires no coding experience, I've had some with C++ and Java but even I was getting lost (granted I'm not a CS major and generally dislike programming).
DC is too afraid to make a Wonder Woman movie since it's a superhero movie featuring a woman. Meanwhile, Marvel is 3 months away from releasing Guardians of the Galaxy, which features an anthropomorphic raccoon.
Avatar is a rip-off of Pocahontas. I'm guessing they included Nightcrawler because of the blue skin and Disney bought Marvel.
Not enough space on my Dropbox.
Some companies have mandated that employees register on it such is the case where my dad works. As a result, many just make a profile and never do anything else with it.
I like using Flickr for photos, but I wish downloading was a lot easier to access. I can figure it out, but my tech-illiterate family members cannot. As a result, they want me to email 2GB worth of pictures. I'm not spending an entire day doing that. I can't even send a ZIP of some since they don't know what to do…
Pokemon in my Y cartridge are more affection than cats.
I agree that Origin isn't awful software. However, their sales suck. I bought Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition and Dragon Age II for $8 at GameFly. They had a sale recently and Dragon Age: Origins (the standard, DLC-less version) was $12.
I don't think it's worth it. It seems like Netflix is losing more content than adding any. Sure, they have Skyfall and Avengers, but for how much longer? They even lost King of the Hill, a show that never reached the popularity of The Simpsons or Family Guy. If they can't keep that, what else are they at risk for…
This is a really offensive and borderline sexist comment, and I'm not one to immediately accuse someone of sexism/racism. A woman doesn't have to kick, scream, and fight back for it to be rape. I'm sure many rape victims try to resist and give in which makes it seem like they're consenting, but it doesn't make them…
I used to use Power Toggles, but switched to Notification Toggle. The latter has larger toggles and more options (such as customizable haptic feedback); it got a new UI several months ago which made it a lot easier to use.
"No" should lead to, "They will die after you start liking them."