Ice cream snob

Normally I would agree with you but I think “Fuck her and her three small children” is pretty much one of those rare universally bad things.

you realize Ivanka and her husband are Jewish, right? In no way, shape, or form is her father a Nazi or supports Nazi regimes. Do your homework you dipshit

And that happened before trump and that will happen after trump. The person who says “Fuck her and her three small children” is not a good person.

and it’s mega-super-dickish to act this way *with your own child in your arms*.....

seriously....what the fuck

I’ve flown with young kids. It sucks. Having a douche be a dick is small potatoes to young kids on an airplane. So no, I don’t think he/she is “fucking kidding”


Fuck you

Uh, yeah. I’ll just be over here now, avoiding that kind of alarming mindset. Have a good’n.

Well aren’t you a pleasant person. Yes, throw shade on children that don’t know better.

Even we childless people think this was a shitty thing to do. There’s also his kid, whom he was holding during this tirade. Don’t make your child watch you behave like a dick.

Totally. Like, that’s your big beef you need everyone to hear you express?

Also, it’s super-dickish to act this way to her while she’s with her three small children. She’s flying coach at the holidays with three tiny kids in tow - that’s already more of a punishment than what this guy doled out.

I mean, the dude’s husband is allowed to dislike the Trumps, but questioning why she isn’t flying “private” is both meaningless and dickish.

watching these people, therefore making them relevant, is one of the most embarrassing things we, as humanity, have done.

Yes. Seriously.

Yes, really. Being half-Indian, growing up on tribal land, I was always Indian. “Native American” came into vogue as a descriptor only within the last 20 years, or so. In my experience, it’s white people who get offended on my behalf. Don’t need the righteous indignation, though.

Don’t be that dude, either. Many American Indians prefer AI over NA, tribe specific if you can.

Maybe it seems like their relationship is all about him and not about Peta because PETA’S NOT ON THE SHOW THIS SEASON.

It boggles my mind that people even thought of the possibility. Leaving everything else aside, the Ryan Lochte incident just happened. Kim Kardashian was raised by a defense attorney. She probably understands the consequences of lying to law enforcement better than most people. She doesn’t seem to have any police

I don’t normally comment, but I felt the need to point out the hypocrisy of this article. I’m all for pointing out if a women is being body shamed, for whatever reason, but to call a white, non curvy, white, blonde, blue eyed girl a “ walking bowl of buttered noodles” is absolutely doing the SAME DAMN THING.