Icecreamdreamin Cupcakes for Breakfast...Yikes.

Yeah, but what are ya gonna do? The company consists of boss, his wife, two truck drivers, and me. His wife is the entire HR department.

I work in automotive, and my department is mostly female employees. I handled some of our new hire training, including our “professionalism” section. It is extremely outdated, and mostly goes through dress code, expenses, and handling gifts from clients. I added a section on handling sexism in the workplace, because

I’m a heavy equipment operator. I was once relating to a friend a comment my boss ha made to me about how he’d had a dream about me, “the good kind,” as he said.

Amen. Worked as a barista and bartender as I made my way through grad school. Dealt with so much shit in all three places. Figured once I scored that enlightened job in academia things would be different. They aren’t. From the misogynistic department chair to male students commenting on my looks in hopes I’ll let them

Yes, All Work Places.

“Stand up comedians”

Same on wall street.

This is a preemptive shut the fuck up about defending your favorite (insert profession here) against “unsubstantiated allegations”. Go somewhere else to do that or better yet, don’t do it at all and go play in traffic.

I always enjoyed the dark crystal / full house crossover episodes,

Trump and the President of the Virgin Islands got along so well, they spent the day together:

Boys do need some kind of place to have positive masculinity modeled for them. Otherwise we get the scourge of toxic masculinity we’re dealing with today. I don’t like girls being left out either, but boys need support networks too.

Yeah cause that’s making me feel like a fucking 15.

They’re not. But if they know and ignore it while benefiting from their acts, then yes, they’re responsible for the ignorance.

Lil’ generous with the 6 unless you left out the decimal point, .6 but let us add a zero .06 that is more like it.

Not only can women be complicit, they can be perpetrators too.

And some women are complicit in their disgusting husband’s actions. Women can be shitty, ya know...we’re not all victims. His power forced starlets to wear hideous Marchesa trash. She supported that at the very very least, why would it surprise anyone if she turned a blind eye to the rest?

She was totally complicit. Absolutely.

I wonder if she really was.

I was so, so worried about Malia when she took that internship with TWC (or maybe it was Miramax?). Obviously, her name likely protected her, but at the same time you don’t want anyone that young, or anyone at all really, to end up anywhere near these kinds of people and situations.

She was complicit until it started to cost her money. Just like most of them.