Icecreamdreamin Cupcakes for Breakfast...Yikes.

I’d say a good modern spin on Baba Yaga would be Bjork’s semi recent style choices.

I’m pretty sure gay men are the best people to write about gay men sex parties. Would you say “Why is it always women writing about women’s issues, I’d really like a man’s perspective.” or “Why is it always black people writing about black issues, we could really use a white perspective.”?


I met her at a book signing in like 2007 and when I told her my name she said, “You’re shittin’ me,” and asked to see my driver’s license. (It was admittedly weird of me to ask her to make it out to my full name.)

Plus she’s spectacular as Princess Carolyn on BoJack Horseman.

I absolutely adore her. She really does make everything better.

“My LGBTQIA family”

That was beautiful.

I love that history is being made these days. Good history, that is.

Speaking of the “book author,” can we please bring back the 500 days of Kristin series; for old trolling times sake?

Well, that answers that.

You could also refer to it as speaking in African American Vernacular English. AAVE.

Hmmmmmm. There’s that problem with words meaning things, again. We seem to have mixed up “posh schoolgirl” with “meth-head trailer-trash who’s spent all day sweating cheap vodka into that polyester plush snuggie”.

I think when you’re $$$ someone else wakes up in the middle of the night to quiet the babies.

I kinda like it!! I like how she like busts out her words like they’re exploding out of her mouth and kind of drawls like she’s super pissed, while also being over it. or something. idk! Music! Words!

“Would a black woman who wanted to rap have been told to do pop instead?”

...and she was still bad at it. That’s what you seem to be missing.

There’s always one... If that black woman proved over and over again that she couldn’t rap, it’s entirely possible they would have told her to pursue a career in pop. Not to mention the fact that if that black Australian woman tried to launch a country music career by appropriating Southern culture, she would face a

All through this article producers and directors are trying to get her to go pop instead of hip-hop, and when she finally does try to do hip-hop everyone holds it against her that she is white.

Nobody is crying any tears for this poor, beleaguered white girl who was handed a music career based on her whiteness, while a few people tried to steer her away from the cultural appropriation she so needed to commit. Fuck her.