Icecreamdreamin Cupcakes for Breakfast...Yikes.

Classic locker room talk.

I apologize for venting like a masagonistic faggot.

I think the guy sounds like a prick with the “vastly disappointing” quote, but I don’t think you can really call him a leech. Ignoring Noah (because we all can just do that), the man is a tremendous talent, and can make pretty much whatever movie he wants tomorrow without even having to ask. I don’t see her giving

This. It may actually prevent me from watching. My hope is that, as a stoner sitcom, the laugh track is placed at completely random and borderline inappropriate spots. Because that would work for me more than a traditional laugh track here.

I was so excited until the laugh track.


It’s such an American reaction: instead of enjoying a limited and reasonable amount of the real thing, eat an entire pint of garbage substitute.

You rock! I am down 36 pounds. Calorie restriction and 6 days a week exercise. In the beginning, I recorded all food (you bite it, you write it) and all exercise. Once I got into the new routine, I did not need to do that any longer. Still have about 15 more pounds to go to be in the low end of the healthy range my MD

Perfect lead gif is perfect.

Sidewalk etiquette? Dude has plenty of room, as mentioned. Also she’s walking on an angle to give him more room. As a frequently disgruntled jogger who wishes the world would put more effort into sidewalk etiquette, I feel pretty confident he just wanted to push a woman in front of a bus.

A+ work on this thread.

Here you go, A. Here is the only beauty tutorial you’ll ever need.

Yes, it certainly might be true of this film that she’s supposed to be with a much older man. I’m giving it side-eye mostly because in both Joy and American Hustle she played real women who were (and had to be for the stories to make sense) in their mid-thirties to early 40s when she had only just entered her 20s.

She is mother:

Why? She was amazing in the Diary of a Teenage Girl. I honestly don’t understand the Jez hate for Kristen fucking Wiig (??).

Wait. Werent “people” recently saying she gained weight or something?

She is so beautiful and perfect and there is not one god damn item of clothing that she doesn’t look stunning in. These are just the facts!

I once saw her in the audience at the theatre and she was incredibly stylish and had on the most fabulous coat.

GC is so attractive that I literally just melt.