Icecreamdreamin Cupcakes for Breakfast...Yikes.


I tried.—Nate Parker

But at least Kathryn Bigelow is serious-minded about it and has a point to make about racist police brutality.

Torture porn ain’t for me regardless of color, so I won’t be seeing Detroit. But at least Kathryn Bigelow is serious-minded about it and has a point to make about racist police brutality.

And while Bigelow certainly delivered that sentiment, she missed a few marks.

Here’s the one thing I know about Willa Ford: she dated Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys in the 90s.


Chris Christie is Augustus Gloop mixed with Veruca Salt

I thought you were calling Mya messy and I was like

I’ve been rewatching Unbreakable and these two are such a delight together! I’ll watch anything with Jane.

53 percent of black women didnt vote for Trump so there is that to celebrate.

I didn’t think it was possible to make Jon Hamm unattractive, but, by god, they’ve done it.

Can I order a Keanu Reeves, please?

“Being sexually attracted to Jon Hamm is like being sexually attracted to the golden god of your high school who now works at a car dealership in your hometown—you know that you’re better than it, but you just can’t help yourself.”

If you could make a hologram of someone you loved a beautiful stranger and interact with it every single day, would you do it?

Now playing

Her facial expression never changes because that’s what she thinks it means to act “steely”. Everything she does is cranked to 11 and it comes off as cartoony. She knows no subtlety.

Starred for a) never being able to eat chicken pot pie again, and b) Twin Peaks. Got a light?

Also thank christ for Euron as he stopped another boring sex scene before it went on too long.

We are fine with sending teens out to war to handle weapons and well armed enemies. We allow teens to vote in elections, helping to decide the most powerful office on the planet. But God forbid they have a smoke, that’s a bridge too far.