
Brand loyalty? Haha that is lame. First off the drive failures on the ps1 and 2 were nowhere NEAR the level of failures the 360 had. I had issues with my ps2 drive. Sent it in once and it was fixed. I couldnt imagine going through two, three, four playstations and still staying “loyal”.

Thats what I never got. I used to work for a guy who ended up having FOUR 360's. What the fuck? After the second time I would say fuck that and move on to playstation.

I’m sorry, but you expect people to pay how many hundred dollars for a gaming system, then immediately turn around and replace a fundamental part of the system? That’s like buying a brand-new car, taking it home on a flatbed and swapping out the engine because you expect that the brand-new engine that came with the

Look at the comments around here and you’ll see plenty of people stating they’ve kept their consoles perfectly still and the disks still scratched. I’m having an IMMENSLY hard time imagining ALL of these people are lying. All of these and the thousands and thousands who complained to MS down the line.

Same. Happened to me across several 360's, actually.

This happened to me like 4 times between 2 360's. Seriously, there is so much evidence that this happened. I HAVE PROOF! The fact that this is still happening boggles my mind.