Icecold Davis

Bull Did Him

C) trashpandas

Should the Mets’ injury problems be attributed to Mike Barwis running their spring training/offseason conditioning programs, Ray Ramirez being the team trainer longer than most millenials have been alive or are they just well and truly cursed at this point?

I’m sure that no one wants to hear this but maybe they should have hired Bill Simmons after all.

Shump has always been a below average 2 who can play a little D and really knows how to capitalize on a good haircut.

Agreed, do not skimp on the Worm’s entire CV IMO

*rice wine

Needs more white vinegar IMO

Not to mention the huge expenses that ignoring climate change will force upon the branch who owns a shitload of waterfront real estate.

This has “Temecula” written all over it.

It was a very solid saunter IMO

I wish that good bear had done us all a solid by eating a couple of golfers.

+ 0-16

*extremely Chris Christie voice* This article really speaks to me.

It’s a 162 game car wreck though.

Thank you, Tim. I really needed something to distract me from the Mets’ slow motion car wreck of a season.

Hi, Jason Whitlock!

Meet the Mets,