Icecold Davis

+1 trust fund

Because THIS generation is special

“Now that’s how you run a franchise.”

Matt Barnes was just released so technically the Knicks could just sign him as a free agent instead of trading Carmelo for him.

Can bears be friends with humans and was Gizmodo just trolling us?

Scouting reports note that, “James Dolan is a rare dual threat who also gives alcoholics in recovery a bad name by accusing anyone who publicly criticizes him of having a drinking problem.”

Because not voting is a valid position whether you like it or not so your opinion is actually the ridiculous one.

Turning Deadspin’s apathetic millennial voting advice into anything more than a bunch of sports bloggers’ personal opinions seems overly dramatic but I do appreciate the point that every bit counts.

That’s not what he said, go read it again and not voting does not actually preclude you from having an opinion on politics. That’s a ridiculous hill to die on.

Not voting in NYC as a Dem is not really a big deal, guys. Why don’t you go piss on the Electoral College, or white, middle-class people in flyover states?

Pictured: Tim Tebow being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by Avocados from Mexico to play his position as spokesman at a replacement player level.

That’s football.

Dax McCarty brings the party wherever he goes.


Could someone Photoshop Thibs into a Knicks coaching job or a Sean Spicer press conference photo please?

And Sean Spicer opened questions from the press by selecting reporters from from the NY Post and Christian Broadcasting Network like Morgan Freeman guaranteeing Tea Leone the first question in Deep Impact.

You be nice to the hobbit.

He should have it by the end of the season then.