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This scene is from “The Perfect Guy” where the victim legally kills her stalker after shooting him with two salt rounds as a warning. Needs to happen.

This is Alaska right? She can go out, get an assault hunting rifle and make it look like an accident. I mean, a woman’s got to feed her family and those sexual deviants elk aren’t going to shoot themselves. AMIRITE???


I saw that clip over the weekend. My response? “Nah, you’re wrong.” Then I changed the channel.

So orange mushroom dick is basically finders keepers, losers weepers? Is that what he’s telling people in NC who have suffered catastrophic losses because of this hurricane? At least he isn’t tossing them paper towels.

Hold my beer

They’ll just privatize the pipes and start pumping crude oil through it as one last fucking joke. 

White Grape Ape gets a strong no from me dawg.

This was a simple home invasion by an off duty cop who probably wanted to intimidate Jean into piping down with the perceived noise she was hearing from the below apartment. She fooled him into opening the door then killed him to cover up her crime. Her charge should be 2nd degree murder, no less. Just because she’s a

It’s a good thing I didn’t see your tweet because I would have done nothing.

When can we get back to the business of entitled white men doing the jobs that we deserve such as overseeing the labor of colo...uh...student athletes under our charge? It’s not like chicks watch footbaw anyway. AMIRITE?

WAAAAA WAAAAA a woman dared to yell at me in public and now my butt hurts from the public shaming.

The glaring scowl into the audience to make sure everyone was standing is MAGA-certified.

I really want one of these abusive assholes to get Terry Tate’d to death. So you’re too chickenshit to say these things to adults but yeah, let’s bully some kids to make your opioid habit a little more tolerable.

Needs more flopping.

Nathan Peterman is raisins in the potato salad.

You mean like when they are chasing down a “suspect” who is running away from them or the time when they are terrified of that unarmed kid who happened to look at them in a kind of scary sort of way?

Osaka is really sweet and has a hell of a game. Against anyone else I’d be cheering for her to win, but I have a feeling she’s gonna get sacrificed this weekend. I really hope she gets a ton of grand slams under her belt before all this is over.

They are being the patsy. Trying to protect the Cruz campaign with plausible deniability of his/her existence.